App Store Connect: Creating certificates for Pass type id's

The docs here:

Imply that you can create a certificate with a certificateType of PASS_TYPE_ID_WITH_NFC or PASS_TYPE_ID. However, when using the API, I get a 404 or a 403 status code when attempting to use them. Additionally, there is no documented way to associate the certificate to a particular bundle id for the pass type.

Has anyone been able to successfully create a certificate for passes? If so what request did you send?

I am having issues this this topic as well. Not only am I having troubles just creating the certificate... but I can't see how to assign an ID or display name to it.

It would also be nice for th API to allow for the creation of the Pass IDs... maybe in the future.

Hi dBrewster,

Please update your request to include the following objects:

 "relationships": {
      "passTypeId": {
        "data": {
          "type": "passTypeIds",
          "id": "<PASS_TYPE_ID>"

Where the <PASS_TYPE_ID> is the Wallet pass type ID as a string value. We've noted (r. 126354804) to update the documentation on App Store Connect API to reflect this expectation.



App Store Connect: Creating certificates for Pass type id's