- Inherits from:
- RuntimeException : Exception : Throwable : Object
- Package:
Class Description
NSForwardException objects (or forward exceptions) are wrappers for Throwable objects that are not RuntimeExceptions. Since NSForwardException is a subclass of RuntimeException, forward exceptions can be omitted from the throws
clause of a method even if the original exception had to be declared.
NSForwardException is used internally within WebObjects to keep the API congruent with the WebObjects 4.5 API (which uses the Java Bridge). Apple doesn't anticipate the need for you to create NSForwardException objects. You may need to catch them, however. To access the original exception, use the originalException method.
Method Types
- Constructors
- NSForwardException
- Accessing the wrapped exception
- originalException
- Methods inherited from Throwable
- printStackTrace
- stackTrace
- toString
public NSForwardException(Throwable exception)
public NSForwardException( Throwable exception, String extraMessage)
The two-argument constructor allows you to specify an extra message; in this case, the new NSForwardException's message is exception's message with extraMessage appended. See the Throwable class specification in Sun's documentation for more information about an exception's messages.
Instance Methods
public Throwable originalException()
public void printStackTrace()
public void printStackTrace( printStream)
public void printStackTrace( printWriter)
public String stackTrace()
public String toString()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 17, 2001)