
Preferences for iOS and tvOS apps are displayed by the system-provided Settings app. Preferences for WatchKit extensions are displayed by the system-provided Apple Watch app. A settings bundle contains the information needed by these system apps to display your preferences and make it possible for the user to modify them. The system apps save the corresponding values to the defaults database so that your app can retrieve them at runtime.

This document describes the elements that comprise the schema files you include in a settings bundle. All bundles must have the root content. The inclusion of other elements is based on your needs and the preferences you plan to display.

For information about creating a settings bundle for an iOS app, see Application Preferences in App Programming Guide for iOS.

For information about creating a settings bundle for a WatchKit extension, see App Programming Guide for watchOS.

Organization of This Document

Each article in this document describes the keys associated with a particular element of a preferences schema file: