HealthKit Changes
Removed HKQueryOptions.value
Removed HKStatisticsOptions.value
Added HKQueryOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Added HKStatisticsOptions.init(rawValue: UInt)
Modified HKAnchoredObjectQuery.init(type: HKSampleType!, predicate: NSPredicate!, anchor: Int, limit: Int, completionHandler:((HKAnchoredObjectQuery!,[AnyObject]!, Int, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(type type: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, anchor anchor: Int, limit limit: Int, completionHandler handler: ((HKAnchoredObjectQuery!, [AnyObject]!, Int, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(type type: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, anchor anchor: Int, limit limit: Int, completionHandler handler: ((HKAnchoredObjectQuery!, [AnyObject]!, Int, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKCategorySample.init(type: HKCategoryType!, value: Int, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type type: HKCategoryType!, value value: Int, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
To | convenience init!(type type: HKCategoryType!, value value: Int, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
Modified HKCategorySample.init(type: HKCategoryType!, value: Int, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, metadata:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type type: HKCategoryType!, value value: Int, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(type type: HKCategoryType!, value value: Int, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
Modified HKCorrelation.init(type: HKCorrelationType!, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, objects: NSSet!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, objects objects: NSSet!) |
To | convenience init!(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, objects objects: NSSet!) |
Modified HKCorrelation.init(type: HKCorrelationType!, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, objects: NSSet!, metadata:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, objects objects: NSSet!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, objects objects: NSSet!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
Modified HKCorrelationQuery.init(type: HKCorrelationType!, predicate: NSPredicate!, samplePredicates:[NSObject: AnyObject]!, completion:((HKCorrelationQuery!,[AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, samplePredicates samplePredicates: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, completion completion: ((HKCorrelationQuery!, [AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(type correlationType: HKCorrelationType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, samplePredicates samplePredicates: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, completion completion: ((HKCorrelationQuery!, [AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKObserverQuery.init(sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate: NSPredicate!, updateHandler:((HKObserverQuery!, HKObserverQueryCompletionHandler!, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, updateHandler updateHandler: ((HKObserverQuery!, HKObserverQueryCompletionHandler!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, updateHandler updateHandler: ((HKObserverQuery!, HKObserverQueryCompletionHandler!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKQuantity.init(unit: HKUnit!, doubleValue: Double)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(unit unit: HKUnit!, doubleValue value: Double) |
To | convenience init!(unit unit: HKUnit!, doubleValue value: Double) |
Modified HKQuantitySample.init(type: HKQuantityType!, quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantity quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
To | convenience init!(type quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantity quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
Modified HKQuantitySample.init(type: HKQuantityType!, quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, metadata:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantity quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(type quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantity quantity: HKQuantity!, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
Modified HKQueryOptions [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HKQueryOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: HKQueryOptions { get } static var StrictStartDate: HKQueryOptions { get } static var StrictEndDate: HKQueryOptions { get } } |
To | struct HKQueryOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: HKQueryOptions { get } static var StrictStartDate: HKQueryOptions { get } static var StrictEndDate: HKQueryOptions { get } } |
Modified HKQueryOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified HKSampleQuery.init(sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate: NSPredicate!, limit: Int, sortDescriptors:[AnyObject]!, resultsHandler:((HKSampleQuery!,[AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, limit limit: Int, sortDescriptors sortDescriptors: [AnyObject]!, resultsHandler resultsHandler: ((HKSampleQuery!, [AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, predicate predicate: NSPredicate!, limit limit: Int, sortDescriptors sortDescriptors: [AnyObject]!, resultsHandler resultsHandler: ((HKSampleQuery!, [AnyObject]!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKSourceQuery.init(sampleType: HKSampleType!, samplePredicate: NSPredicate!, completionHandler:((HKSourceQuery!, NSSet!, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, samplePredicate objectPredicate: NSPredicate!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((HKSourceQuery!, NSSet!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(sampleType sampleType: HKSampleType!, samplePredicate objectPredicate: NSPredicate!, completionHandler completionHandler: ((HKSourceQuery!, NSSet!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKStatisticsCollectionQuery.init(quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options: HKStatisticsOptions, anchorDate: NSDate!, intervalComponents: NSDateComponents!)
Declaration | |
From | init(quantityType quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options options: HKStatisticsOptions, anchorDate anchorDate: NSDate!, intervalComponents intervalComponents: NSDateComponents!) |
To | init!(quantityType quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options options: HKStatisticsOptions, anchorDate anchorDate: NSDate!, intervalComponents intervalComponents: NSDateComponents!) |
Modified HKStatisticsOptions [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct HKStatisticsOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ value: UInt) var value: UInt static var None: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var SeparateBySource: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteAverage: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteMin: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteMax: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var CumulativeSum: HKStatisticsOptions { get } } |
To | struct HKStatisticsOptions : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var SeparateBySource: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteAverage: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteMin: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var DiscreteMax: HKStatisticsOptions { get } static var CumulativeSum: HKStatisticsOptions { get } } |
Modified HKStatisticsOptions.init(_: UInt)
Declaration | |
From | init(_ value: UInt) |
To | init(_ rawValue: UInt) |
Modified HKStatisticsQuery.init(quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options: HKStatisticsOptions, completionHandler:((HKStatisticsQuery!, HKStatistics!, NSError!) -> Void)!)
Declaration | |
From | init(quantityType quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options options: HKStatisticsOptions, completionHandler handler: ((HKStatisticsQuery!, HKStatistics!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | init!(quantityType quantityType: HKQuantityType!, quantitySamplePredicate quantitySamplePredicate: NSPredicate!, options options: HKStatisticsOptions, completionHandler handler: ((HKStatisticsQuery!, HKStatistics!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
Modified HKUnit.init(fromEnergyFormatterUnit: NSEnergyFormatterUnit)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(fromEnergyFormatterUnit energyFormatterUnit: NSEnergyFormatterUnit) |
To | convenience init!(fromEnergyFormatterUnit energyFormatterUnit: NSEnergyFormatterUnit) |
Modified HKUnit.init(fromLengthFormatterUnit: NSLengthFormatterUnit)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(fromLengthFormatterUnit lengthFormatterUnit: NSLengthFormatterUnit) |
To | convenience init!(fromLengthFormatterUnit lengthFormatterUnit: NSLengthFormatterUnit) |
Modified HKUnit.init(fromMassFormatterUnit: NSMassFormatterUnit)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(fromMassFormatterUnit massFormatterUnit: NSMassFormatterUnit) |
To | convenience init!(fromMassFormatterUnit massFormatterUnit: NSMassFormatterUnit) |
Modified HKUnit.init(fromString: String!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(fromString string: String!) |
To | convenience init!(fromString string: String!) |
Modified HKWorkout.init(activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
To | convenience init!(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!) |
Modified HKWorkout.init(activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, duration: NSTimeInterval, totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, duration duration: NSTimeInterval, totalEnergyBurned totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, duration duration: NSTimeInterval, totalEnergyBurned totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
Modified HKWorkout.init(activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate: NSDate!, endDate: NSDate!, workoutEvents:[AnyObject]!, totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata:[NSObject: AnyObject]!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, workoutEvents workoutEvents: [AnyObject]!, totalEnergyBurned totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init!(activityType workoutActivityType: HKWorkoutActivityType, startDate startDate: NSDate!, endDate endDate: NSDate!, workoutEvents workoutEvents: [AnyObject]!, totalEnergyBurned totalEnergyBurned: HKQuantity!, totalDistance totalDistance: HKQuantity!, metadata metadata: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
Modified HKWorkoutEvent.init(type: HKWorkoutEventType, date: NSDate!)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(type type: HKWorkoutEventType, date date: NSDate!) |
To | convenience init!(type type: HKWorkoutEventType, date date: NSDate!) |