CoreImage Changes for Swift
Removed CIColor.alpha() -> CGFloat
Removed -> CGFloat
Removed CIColor.colorSpace() -> Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>!
Removed CIColor.components() -> UnsafePointer<CGFloat>
Removed -> CGFloat
Removed CIColor.init(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) -> CIColor
Removed CIColor.numberOfComponents() -> Int
Removed -> CGFloat
Removed CIColor.stringRepresentation() -> String!
Removed CIFilter.attributes() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]!
Removed CIFilter.init(name: String!, elements: (NSCopying, AnyObject))
Removed CIFilter.inputKeys() -> [AnyObject]!
Removed -> String!
Removed CIFilter.outputKeys() -> [AnyObject]!
Removed CIImage.extent() -> CGRect
Removed -> [NSObject : AnyObject]!
Removed -> String!
Removed CIVector.CGAffineTransformValue() -> CGAffineTransform
Removed CIVector.CGPointValue() -> CGPoint
Removed CIVector.CGRectValue() -> CGRect
Removed CIVector.count() -> Int
Removed CIVector.stringRepresentation() -> String!
Removed CIVector.W() -> CGFloat
Removed CIVector.X() -> CGFloat
Removed CIVector.Y() -> CGFloat
Removed CIVector.Z() -> CGFloat
Added CIColor.alpha
Added CIColor.colorSpace
Added CIColor.components
Added CIFilter.attributes
Added CIFilter.inputKeys
Added CIFilter.outputKeys
Added CIFilterConstructor
Added CIFilterShape
Added CIFilterShape.extent
Added CIImage.colorSpace
Added CIImage.extent
Added CIImage.url
Added CIImageAccumulator
Added CISampler
Added CISampler.definition
Added CISampler.extent
Added CITextFeature
Added CITextFeature.bottomLeft
Added CITextFeature.bounds
Added CITextFeature.topLeft
Added CITextFeature.topRight
Added CIVector.CGPointValue
Added CIVector.CGRectValue
Added CIVector.count
Added CIVector.W
Added CIVector.X
Added CIVector.Y
Added CIVector.Z
Added CIDetectorNumberOfAngles
Added CIDetectorTypeText
Added CIFeatureTypeQRCode
Added CIFeatureTypeRectangle
Added CIFeatureTypeText
Added kCIAttributeDescription
Added kCIAttributeTypeGradient
Added kCIFormatA16
Added kCIFormatA8
Added kCIFormatABGR8
Added kCIFormatAf
Added kCIFormatAh
Added kCIFormatR16
Added kCIFormatR8
Added kCIFormatRf
Added kCIFormatRG16
Added kCIFormatRG8
Added kCIFormatRGf
Added kCIFormatRGh
Added kCIFormatRh
Added kCIImageProviderTileSize
Added kCIImageProviderUserInfo
Added kCIInputBiasKey
Added kCIInputGradientImageKey
Added kCIInputRefractionKey
Added kCIInputShadingImageKey
Added kCIInputWeightsKey
Added kCISamplerAffineMatrix
Added kCISamplerColorSpace
Added kCISamplerFilterLinear
Added kCISamplerFilterMode
Added kCISamplerFilterNearest
Added kCISamplerWrapBlack
Added kCISamplerWrapClamp
Added kCISamplerWrapMode
Added kCIUIParameterSet
Added kCIUISetAdvanced
Added kCIUISetBasic
Added kCIUISetDevelopment
Added kCIUISetIntermediate
Modified CIColor
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | class CIColor : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!(CGColor c: CGColor!) -> CIColor class func colorWithCGColor(_ c: CGColor!) -> CIColor! init!(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat, alpha a: CGFloat) -> CIColor class func colorWithRed(_ r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat, alpha a: CGFloat) -> CIColor! init!(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) -> CIColor class func colorWithRed(_ r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) -> CIColor! init!(string representation: String!) -> CIColor class func colorWithString(_ representation: String!) -> CIColor! init!(CGColor c: CGColor!) func numberOfComponents() -> Int func components() -> UnsafePointer<CGFloat> func alpha() -> CGFloat func colorSpace() -> Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>! func red() -> CGFloat func green() -> CGFloat func blue() -> CGFloat func stringRepresentation() -> String! } extension CIColor { init?(color color: UIColor) } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIColor : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding, NSCopying { convenience init(CGColor c: CGColor) class func colorWithCGColor(_ c: CGColor) -> Self convenience init(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat, alpha a: CGFloat) class func colorWithRed(_ r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat, alpha a: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) class func colorWithRed(_ r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(string representation: String) class func colorWithString(_ representation: String) -> Self init(CGColor c: CGColor) convenience init(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat, alpha a: CGFloat) var numberOfComponents: Int { get } var components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat> { get } var alpha: CGFloat { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace { get } var red: CGFloat { get } var green: CGFloat { get } var blue: CGFloat { get } var stringRepresentation: String { get } } extension CIColor { convenience init(color color: UIColor) } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding | iOS 5.0 |
Modified CIColor.init(CGColor: CGColor)
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGColor c: CGColor!) |
To | init(CGColor c: CGColor) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) -> CIColor |
To | convenience init(red r: CGFloat, green g: CGFloat, blue b: CGFloat) |
Modified CIColor.init(string: String)
Declaration | |
From | init!(string representation: String!) -> CIColor |
To | convenience init(string representation: String) |
Modified CIColorKernel
Declaration | |
From | class CIColorKernel : CIKernel { func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! } |
To | class CIColorKernel : CIKernel { convenience init?(string string: String) class func kernelWithString(_ string: String) -> Self? func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? } |
Declaration | |
From | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! |
To | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? |
Modified CIContext
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CIContext : NSObject { init!(CGContext ctx: CGContext!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext class func contextWithCGContext(_ ctx: CGContext!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext! init!(options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext class func contextWithOptions(_ dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext! init!(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext!) -> CIContext class func contextWithEAGLContext(_ eaglContext: EAGLContext!) -> CIContext! init!(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext class func contextWithEAGLContext(_ eaglContext: EAGLContext!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext! func drawImage(_ im: CIImage!, atPoint p: CGPoint, fromRect src: CGRect) func drawImage(_ im: CIImage!, inRect dest: CGRect, fromRect src: CGRect) func createCGImage(_ im: CIImage!, fromRect r: CGRect) -> CGImage! func createCGImage(_ im: CIImage!, fromRect r: CGRect, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CGImage! func createCGLayerWithSize(_ size: CGSize, info d: CFDictionary!) -> Unmanaged<CGLayer>! func render(_ im: CIImage!, toBitmap data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, rowBytes rb: Int, bounds r: CGRect, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) func render(_ image: CIImage!, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) func render(_ image: CIImage!, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, bounds r: CGRect, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) func reclaimResources() func clearCaches() func inputImageMaximumSize() -> CGSize func outputImageMaximumSize() -> CGSize } | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIContext : NSObject { init(CGContext cgctx: CGContext, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func contextWithCGContext(_ cgctx: CGContext, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIContext init(options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func contextWithOptions(_ options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIContext init(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext) class func contextWithEAGLContext(_ eaglContext: EAGLContext) -> CIContext init(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func contextWithEAGLContext(_ eaglContext: EAGLContext, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIContext init(MTLDevice device: MTLDevice) class func contextWithMTLDevice(_ device: MTLDevice) -> CIContext init(MTLDevice device: MTLDevice, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func contextWithMTLDevice(_ device: MTLDevice, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIContext var workingColorSpace: CGColorSpace { get } func drawImage(_ image: CIImage, atPoint atPoint: CGPoint, fromRect fromRect: CGRect) func drawImage(_ image: CIImage, inRect inRect: CGRect, fromRect fromRect: CGRect) func createCGImage(_ image: CIImage, fromRect fromRect: CGRect) -> CGImage func createCGImage(_ image: CIImage, fromRect fromRect: CGRect, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) -> CGImage func createCGLayerWithSize(_ size: CGSize, info info: CFDictionary?) -> CGLayer func render(_ image: CIImage, toBitmap data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, rowBytes rowBytes: Int, bounds bounds: CGRect, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) func render(_ image: CIImage, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer) func render(_ image: CIImage, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer, bounds bounds: CGRect, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) func render(_ image: CIImage, toMTLTexture texture: MTLTexture, commandBuffer commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer?, bounds bounds: CGRect, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace) func reclaimResources() func clearCaches() func inputImageMaximumSize() -> CGSize func outputImageMaximumSize() -> CGSize } extension CIContext { class func offlineGPUCount() -> UInt32 } | iOS 5.0 |
Declaration | |
From | func createCGImage(_ im: CIImage!, fromRect r: CGRect) -> CGImage! |
To | func createCGImage(_ image: CIImage, fromRect fromRect: CGRect) -> CGImage |
Declaration | |
From | func createCGImage(_ im: CIImage!, fromRect r: CGRect, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CGImage! |
To | func createCGImage(_ image: CIImage, fromRect fromRect: CGRect, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) -> CGImage |
Declaration | |
From | func drawImage(_ im: CIImage!, inRect dest: CGRect, fromRect src: CGRect) |
To | func drawImage(_ image: CIImage, inRect inRect: CGRect, fromRect fromRect: CGRect) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext!) -> CIContext |
To | init(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext |
To | init(EAGLContext eaglContext: EAGLContext, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIContext |
To | init(options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Declaration | |
From | func render(_ im: CIImage!, toBitmap data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, rowBytes rb: Int, bounds r: CGRect, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) |
To | func render(_ image: CIImage, toBitmap data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, rowBytes rowBytes: Int, bounds bounds: CGRect, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) |
Declaration | |
From | func render(_ image: CIImage!, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) |
To | func render(_ image: CIImage, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer) |
Declaration | |
From | func render(_ image: CIImage!, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, bounds r: CGRect, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) |
To | func render(_ image: CIImage, toCVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer, bounds bounds: CGRect, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) |
Modified CIDetector
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CIDetector : NSObject { init!(ofType type: String!, context context: CIContext!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIDetector class func detectorOfType(_ type: String!, context context: CIContext!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIDetector! func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage!) -> [AnyObject]! func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! } | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIDetector : NSObject { init(ofType type: String, context context: CIContext?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func detectorOfType(_ type: String, context context: CIContext?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIDetector func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage) -> [CIFeature] func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [CIFeature] } | iOS 5.0 |
Declaration | |
From | func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage) -> [CIFeature] |
Declaration | |
From | func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func featuresInImage(_ image: CIImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [CIFeature] |
Declaration | |
From | init!(ofType type: String!, context context: CIContext!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIDetector |
To | init(ofType type: String, context context: CIContext?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Modified CIFaceFeature
Introduction | |
From | iOS 8.0 |
To | iOS 5.0 |
Modified CIFeature
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CIFeature : NSObject { var type: String! { get } var bounds: CGRect { get } } | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIFeature : NSObject { var type: String { get } var bounds: CGRect { get } } | iOS 5.0 |
Modified CIFeature.type
Declaration | |
From | var type: String! { get } |
To | var type: String { get } |
Modified CIFilter
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | class CIFilter : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { var outputImage: CIImage! { get } func name() -> String! func inputKeys() -> [AnyObject]! func outputKeys() -> [AnyObject]! func setDefaults() func attributes() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! func apply(_ k: CIKernel!, arguments args: [AnyObject]!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! } extension CIFilter { convenience init(name name: String!, elements elements: (NSCopying, AnyObject)...) } extension CIFilter { init!(name name: String!) -> CIFilter class func filterWithName(_ name: String!) -> CIFilter! init!(name name: String!, withInputParameters params: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIFilter class func filterWithName(_ name: String!, withInputParameters params: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIFilter! class func filterNamesInCategory(_ category: String!) -> [AnyObject]! class func filterNamesInCategories(_ categories: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! class func localizedNameForFilterName(_ filterName: String!) -> String! class func localizedNameForCategory(_ category: String!) -> String! class func localizedDescriptionForFilterName(_ filterName: String!) -> String! class func localizedReferenceDocumentationForFilterName(_ filterName: String!) -> NSURL! } extension CIFilter { class func serializedXMPFromFilters(_ filters: [AnyObject]!, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect) -> NSData! class func filterArrayFromSerializedXMP(_ xmpData: NSData!, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [AnyObject]! } extension CIFilter { convenience init(name name: String!, elements elements: (NSCopying, AnyObject)...) } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIFilter : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding, NSCopying { var outputImage: CIImage? { get } var name: String { get } var inputKeys: [String] { get } var outputKeys: [String] { get } func setDefaults() var attributes: [String : AnyObject] { get } func apply(_ k: CIKernel, arguments args: [AnyObject]?, options dict: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? } extension CIFilter { init?(name name: String) class func filterWithName(_ name: String) -> CIFilter? init?(name name: String, withInputParameters params: [String : AnyObject]?) class func filterWithName(_ name: String, withInputParameters params: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIFilter? class func filterNamesInCategory(_ category: String?) -> [String] class func filterNamesInCategories(_ categories: [String]?) -> [String] class func registerFilterName(_ name: String, constructor anObject: CIFilterConstructor, classAttributes attributes: [String : AnyObject]) class func localizedNameForFilterName(_ filterName: String) -> String? class func localizedNameForCategory(_ category: String) -> String class func localizedDescriptionForFilterName(_ filterName: String) -> String? class func localizedReferenceDocumentationForFilterName(_ filterName: String) -> NSURL? } extension CIFilter { class func serializedXMPFromFilters(_ filters: [CIFilter], inputImageExtent extent: CGRect) -> NSData class func filterArrayFromSerializedXMP(_ xmpData: NSData, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [CIFilter] } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding | iOS 5.0 |
Declaration | |
From | class func filterArrayFromSerializedXMP(_ xmpData: NSData!, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func filterArrayFromSerializedXMP(_ xmpData: NSData, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> [CIFilter] |
Declaration | |
From | class func filterNamesInCategories(_ categories: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func filterNamesInCategories(_ categories: [String]?) -> [String] |
Declaration | |
From | class func filterNamesInCategory(_ category: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func filterNamesInCategory(_ category: String?) -> [String] |
Modified CIFilter.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!) -> CIFilter |
To | init?(name name: String) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, withInputParameters params: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIFilter |
To | init?(name name: String, withInputParameters params: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Modified CIFilter.outputImage
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | var outputImage: CIImage! { get } | iOS 8.0 |
To | var outputImage: CIImage? { get } | iOS 5.0 |
Modified CIFilter.serializedXMPFromFilters(_: [CIFilter], inputImageExtent: CGRect) -> NSData [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func serializedXMPFromFilters(_ filters: [AnyObject]!, inputImageExtent extent: CGRect) -> NSData! |
To | class func serializedXMPFromFilters(_ filters: [CIFilter], inputImageExtent extent: CGRect) -> NSData |
Modified CIImage
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | class CIImage : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!(CGImage image: CGImage!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage!) -> CIImage! init!(CGImage image: CGImage!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(CGLayer layer: CGLayer!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCGLayer(_ layer: CGLayer!) -> CIImage! init!(CGLayer layer: CGLayer!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCGLayer(_ layer: CGLayer!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(bitmapData d: NSData!, bytesPerRow bpr: Int, size size: CGSize, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CIImage class func imageWithBitmapData(_ d: NSData!, bytesPerRow bpr: Int, size size: CGSize, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CIImage! init!(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flag: Bool, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CIImage class func imageWithTexture(_ name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flag: Bool, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) -> CIImage! init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) -> CIImage class func imageWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> CIImage! init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(data data: NSData!) -> CIImage class func imageWithData(_ data: NSData!) -> CIImage! init!(data data: NSData!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithData(_ data: NSData!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCVImageBuffer(_ imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!) -> CIImage! init!(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCVImageBuffer(_ imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCVPixelBuffer(_ buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) -> CIImage! init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage class func imageWithCVPixelBuffer(_ buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! init!(color color: CIColor!) -> CIImage class func imageWithColor(_ color: CIColor!) -> CIImage! class func emptyImage() -> CIImage! init!(CGImage image: CGImage!) init!(CGImage image: CGImage!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(CGLayer layer: CGLayer!) init!(CGLayer layer: CGLayer!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(data data: NSData!) init!(data data: NSData!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(bitmapData d: NSData!, bytesPerRow bpr: Int, size size: CGSize, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace c: CGColorSpace!) init!(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flag: Bool, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!) init!(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) init!(color color: CIColor!) func imageByApplyingTransform(_ matrix: CGAffineTransform) -> CIImage! func imageByApplyingOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CIImage! func imageTransformForOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CGAffineTransform func imageByCompositingOverImage(_ dest: CIImage!) -> CIImage! func imageByCroppingToRect(_ r: CGRect) -> CIImage! func imageByClampingToExtent() -> CIImage! func extent() -> CGRect func imageByApplyingFilter(_ filterName: String!, withInputParameters params: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! func properties() -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! func definition() -> CIFilterShape! func url() -> NSURL! func colorSpace() -> Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>! func regionOfInterestForImage(_ im: CIImage!, inRect r: CGRect) -> CGRect } extension CIImage { func autoAdjustmentFilters() -> [AnyObject]! func autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(_ dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! } extension CIImage { init!(image image: UIImage!) init!(image image: UIImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIImage : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding, NSCopying { init(CGImage image: CGImage) class func imageWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage) -> CIImage init(CGImage image: CGImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(CGLayer layer: CGLayer) class func imageWithCGLayer(_ layer: CGLayer) -> CIImage init(CGLayer layer: CGLayer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithCGLayer(_ layer: CGLayer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(bitmapData data: NSData, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, size size: CGSize, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) class func imageWithBitmapData(_ data: NSData, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, size size: CGSize, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) -> CIImage init(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) class func imageWithTexture(_ name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) -> CIImage init(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithTexture(_ name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(MTLTexture texture: MTLTexture, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithMTLTexture(_ texture: MTLTexture, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) class func imageWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL) -> CIImage? init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? init?(data data: NSData) class func imageWithData(_ data: NSData) -> CIImage? init?(data data: NSData, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithData(_ data: NSData, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? init(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer) class func imageWithCVImageBuffer(_ imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer) -> CIImage init(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithCVImageBuffer(_ imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) class func imageWithCVPixelBuffer(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) -> CIImage init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithCVPixelBuffer(_ pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(color color: CIColor) class func imageWithColor(_ color: CIColor) -> CIImage class func emptyImage() -> CIImage init(CGImage image: CGImage) init(CGImage image: CGImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(CGLayer layer: CGLayer) init(CGLayer layer: CGLayer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init?(data data: NSData) init?(data data: NSData, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(bitmapData data: NSData, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, size size: CGSize, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) init(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) init(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(MTLTexture texture: MTLTexture, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer) init(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer: CVImageBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) init(color color: CIColor) func imageByApplyingTransform(_ matrix: CGAffineTransform) -> CIImage func imageByApplyingOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CIImage func imageTransformForOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CGAffineTransform func imageByCompositingOverImage(_ dest: CIImage) -> CIImage func imageByCroppingToRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> CIImage func imageByClampingToExtent() -> CIImage func imageByApplyingFilter(_ filterName: String, withInputParameters params: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage var extent: CGRect { get } var properties: [String : AnyObject] { get } var definition: CIFilterShape { get } var url: NSURL? { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } func regionOfInterestForImage(_ image: CIImage, inRect rect: CGRect) -> CGRect } extension CIImage { func autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(_ options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [CIFilter] } extension CIImage { init(imageProvider p: AnyObject, size width: Int, _ height: Int, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func imageWithImageProvider(_ p: AnyObject, size width: Int, _ height: Int, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage init(imageProvider p: AnyObject, size width: Int, _ height: Int, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) } extension CIImage { init?(image image: UIImage) init?(image image: UIImage, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding | iOS 5.0 |
Declaration | |
From | func autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(_ dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(_ options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [CIFilter] |
Declaration | |
From | class func emptyImage() -> CIImage! |
To | class func emptyImage() -> CIImage |
Modified CIImage.imageByApplyingFilter(_: String, withInputParameters: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage
Declaration | |
From | func imageByApplyingFilter(_ filterName: String!, withInputParameters params: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByApplyingFilter(_ filterName: String, withInputParameters params: [String : AnyObject]?) -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | func imageByApplyingOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByApplyingOrientation(_ orientation: Int32) -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | func imageByApplyingTransform(_ matrix: CGAffineTransform) -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByApplyingTransform(_ matrix: CGAffineTransform) -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | func imageByClampingToExtent() -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByClampingToExtent() -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | func imageByCompositingOverImage(_ dest: CIImage!) -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByCompositingOverImage(_ dest: CIImage) -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | func imageByCroppingToRect(_ r: CGRect) -> CIImage! |
To | func imageByCroppingToRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> CIImage |
Declaration | |
From | init!(bitmapData d: NSData!, bytesPerRow bpr: Int, size size: CGSize, format f: CIFormat, colorSpace c: CGColorSpace!) |
To | init(bitmapData data: NSData, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, size size: CGSize, format format: CIFormat, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) |
Modified CIImage.init(CGImage: CGImage)
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGImage image: CGImage!) |
To | init(CGImage image: CGImage) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGImage image: CGImage!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(CGImage image: CGImage, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Modified CIImage.init(color: CIColor)
Declaration | |
From | init!(color color: CIColor!) |
To | init(color color: CIColor) |
Modified CIImage.init(contentsOfURL: NSURL)
Declaration | |
From | init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) |
To | init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init?(contentsOfURL url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!) |
To | init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(CVPixelBuffer buffer: CVPixelBuffer!, options dict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Modified CIImage.init(data: NSData)
Declaration | |
From | init!(data data: NSData!) |
To | init?(data data: NSData) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(data data: NSData!, options d: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init?(data data: NSData, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flag: Bool, colorSpace cs: CGColorSpace!) |
To | init(texture name: UInt32, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool, colorSpace colorSpace: CGColorSpace?) |
Declaration | |
From | func regionOfInterestForImage(_ im: CIImage!, inRect r: CGRect) -> CGRect |
To | func regionOfInterestForImage(_ image: CIImage, inRect rect: CGRect) -> CGRect |
Modified CIKernel
Declaration | |
From | class CIKernel : NSObject { class func kernelsWithString(_ s: String!) -> [AnyObject]! convenience init!(string string: String!) class func kernelWithString(_ string: String!) -> Self! func name() -> String! func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback!, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! } |
To | class CIKernel : NSObject { class func kernelsWithString(_ string: String) -> [CIKernel]? convenience init?(string string: String) class func kernelWithString(_ string: String) -> Self? var name: String { get } func setROISelector(_ method: Selector) func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? } |
Declaration | |
From | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback!, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! |
To | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? |
Modified CIKernel.init(string: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(string string: String!) |
To | convenience init?(string string: String) |
Declaration | |
From | class func kernelsWithString(_ s: String!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | class func kernelsWithString(_ string: String) -> [CIKernel]? |
Modified CIQRCodeFeature
Declaration | |
From | class CIQRCodeFeature : CIFeature { var bounds: CGRect { get } var topLeft: CGPoint { get } var topRight: CGPoint { get } var bottomLeft: CGPoint { get } var bottomRight: CGPoint { get } var messageString: String! { get } } |
To | class CIQRCodeFeature : CIFeature { var bounds: CGRect { get } var topLeft: CGPoint { get } var topRight: CGPoint { get } var bottomLeft: CGPoint { get } var bottomRight: CGPoint { get } var messageString: String { get } } |
Modified CIQRCodeFeature.messageString
Declaration | |
From | var messageString: String! { get } |
To | var messageString: String { get } |
Modified CIVector
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | class CIVector : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { init!(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) -> CIVector class func vectorWithValues(_ values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) -> CIVector! init!(x x: CGFloat) -> CIVector class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat) -> CIVector! init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) -> CIVector class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) -> CIVector! init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) -> CIVector class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) -> CIVector! init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) -> CIVector class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) -> CIVector! init!(CGPoint p: CGPoint) -> CIVector class func vectorWithCGPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> CIVector! init!(CGRect r: CGRect) -> CIVector class func vectorWithCGRect(_ r: CGRect) -> CIVector! init!(CGAffineTransform t: CGAffineTransform) -> CIVector class func vectorWithCGAffineTransform(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CIVector! init!(string representation: String!) -> CIVector class func vectorWithString(_ representation: String!) -> CIVector! init!(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) init!(x x: CGFloat) init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) init!(CGPoint p: CGPoint) init!(CGRect r: CGRect) init!(CGAffineTransform r: CGAffineTransform) init!(string representation: String!) func valueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> CGFloat func count() -> Int func X() -> CGFloat func Y() -> CGFloat func Z() -> CGFloat func W() -> CGFloat func CGPointValue() -> CGPoint func CGRectValue() -> CGRect func CGAffineTransformValue() -> CGAffineTransform func stringRepresentation() -> String! } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying | iOS 8.0 |
To | class CIVector : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding { convenience init(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) class func vectorWithValues(_ values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) -> Self convenience init(x x: CGFloat) class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) class func vectorWithX(_ x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(CGPoint p: CGPoint) class func vectorWithCGPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> Self convenience init(CGRect r: CGRect) class func vectorWithCGRect(_ r: CGRect) -> Self convenience init(CGAffineTransform t: CGAffineTransform) class func vectorWithCGAffineTransform(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> Self convenience init(string representation: String) class func vectorWithString(_ representation: String) -> Self init(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) convenience init(x x: CGFloat) convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) convenience init(CGPoint p: CGPoint) convenience init(CGRect r: CGRect) convenience init(CGAffineTransform r: CGAffineTransform) convenience init(string representation: String) func valueAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> CGFloat var count: Int { get } var X: CGFloat { get } var Y: CGFloat { get } var Z: CGFloat { get } var W: CGFloat { get } var CGPointValue: CGPoint { get } var CGRectValue: CGRect { get } var CGAffineTransformValue: CGAffineTransform { get } var stringRepresentation: String { get } } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding | iOS 5.0 |
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGAffineTransform r: CGAffineTransform) |
To | convenience init(CGAffineTransform r: CGAffineTransform) |
Modified CIVector.init(CGPoint: CGPoint)
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGPoint p: CGPoint) |
To | convenience init(CGPoint p: CGPoint) |
Modified CIVector.init(CGRect: CGRect)
Declaration | |
From | init!(CGRect r: CGRect) |
To | convenience init(CGRect r: CGRect) |
Modified CIVector.init(string: String)
Declaration | |
From | init!(string representation: String!) |
To | convenience init(string representation: String) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) |
To | init(values values: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, count count: Int) |
Modified CIVector.init(x: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | init!(x x: CGFloat) |
To | convenience init(x x: CGFloat) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) |
To | convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) |
To | convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) |
To | convenience init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, z z: CGFloat, w w: CGFloat) |
Modified CIWarpKernel
Declaration | |
From | class CIWarpKernel : CIKernel { func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback!, inputImage image: CIImage!, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! } |
To | class CIWarpKernel : CIKernel { convenience init?(string string: String) class func kernelWithString(_ string: String) -> Self? func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback, inputImage image: CIImage, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? } |
Declaration | |
From | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback!, inputImage image: CIImage!, arguments args: [AnyObject]!) -> CIImage! |
To | func applyWithExtent(_ extent: CGRect, roiCallback callback: CIKernelROICallback, inputImage image: CIImage, arguments args: [AnyObject]?) -> CIImage? |
Modified kCIAttributeTypeColor
Introduction | |
From | iOS 8.0 |
To | iOS 5.0 |
Modified kCIFormatBGRA8
Introduction | |
From | iOS 5.0 |
To | iOS 8.0 |
Modified kCIFormatRGBA8
Introduction | |
From | iOS 5.0 |
To | iOS 8.0 |