MapKit Changes for Swift
Removed MKDirectionsRequest.destination() -> MKMapItem!
Removed MKDirectionsRequest.setDestination(_: MKMapItem!)
Removed MKDirectionsRequest.setSource(_: MKMapItem!)
Removed MKDirectionsRequest.source() -> MKMapItem!
Removed MKDirectionsTransportType.init(_: UInt)
Added MKETAResponse.distance
Added MKMapItem.timeZone
Added MKMapType.HybridFlyover
Added MKMapView.showsCompass
Added MKMapView.showsScale
Added MKMapView.showsTraffic
Modified MKAnnotation
Declaration | |
From | protocol MKAnnotation : NSObjectProtocol { var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { get } optional var title: String! { get } optional var subtitle: String! { get } } |
To | protocol MKAnnotation : NSObjectProtocol { var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { get } optional var title: String? { get } optional var subtitle: String? { get } } |
Modified MKAnnotation.subtitle
Declaration | |
From | optional var subtitle: String! { get } |
To | optional var subtitle: String? { get } |
Modified MKAnnotation.title
Declaration | |
From | optional var title: String! { get } |
To | optional var title: String? { get } |
Modified MKAnnotationView
Declaration | |
From | class MKAnnotationView : UIView { init!(annotation annotation: MKAnnotation!, reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier: String!) var reuseIdentifier: String! { get } func prepareForReuse() var annotation: MKAnnotation! var image: UIImage! var centerOffset: CGPoint var calloutOffset: CGPoint var enabled: Bool var highlighted: Bool var selected: Bool func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated animated: Bool) var canShowCallout: Bool var leftCalloutAccessoryView: UIView! var rightCalloutAccessoryView: UIView! var draggable: Bool var dragState: MKAnnotationViewDragState func setDragState(_ newDragState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, animated animated: Bool) } |
To | class MKAnnotationView : UIView { init(annotation annotation: MKAnnotation?, reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier: String?) var reuseIdentifier: String? { get } func prepareForReuse() var annotation: MKAnnotation? var image: UIImage? var centerOffset: CGPoint var calloutOffset: CGPoint var enabled: Bool var highlighted: Bool var selected: Bool func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated animated: Bool) var canShowCallout: Bool var leftCalloutAccessoryView: UIView? var rightCalloutAccessoryView: UIView? var detailCalloutAccessoryView: UIView? var draggable: Bool var dragState: MKAnnotationViewDragState func setDragState(_ newDragState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, animated animated: Bool) } |
Modified MKAnnotationView.annotation
Declaration | |
From | var annotation: MKAnnotation! |
To | var annotation: MKAnnotation? |
Modified MKAnnotationView.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: UIImage! |
To | var image: UIImage? |
Declaration | |
From | init!(annotation annotation: MKAnnotation!, reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier: String!) |
To | init(annotation annotation: MKAnnotation?, reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier: String?) |
Declaration | |
From | var leftCalloutAccessoryView: UIView! |
To | var leftCalloutAccessoryView: UIView? |
Modified MKAnnotationView.reuseIdentifier
Declaration | |
From | var reuseIdentifier: String! { get } |
To | var reuseIdentifier: String? { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var rightCalloutAccessoryView: UIView! |
To | var rightCalloutAccessoryView: UIView? |
Modified MKAnnotationViewDragState [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | UInt |
Modified MKCircle
Declaration | |
From | class MKCircle : MKShape, MKOverlay, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { convenience init!(centerCoordinate coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) class func circleWithCenterCoordinate(_ coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) -> Self! convenience init!(mapRect mapRect: MKMapRect) class func circleWithMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Self! var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { get } var radius: CLLocationDistance { get } var boundingMapRect: MKMapRect { get } } |
To | class MKCircle : MKShape, MKOverlay { convenience init(centerCoordinate coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) class func circleWithCenterCoordinate(_ coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) -> Self convenience init(mapRect mapRect: MKMapRect) class func circleWithMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Self var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D { get } var radius: CLLocationDistance { get } var boundingMapRect: MKMapRect { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(centerCoordinate coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) |
To | convenience init(centerCoordinate coord: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius radius: CLLocationDistance) |
Modified MKCircle.init(mapRect: MKMapRect)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(mapRect mapRect: MKMapRect) |
To | convenience init(mapRect mapRect: MKMapRect) |
Modified MKCircleRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKCircleRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init!(circle circle: MKCircle!) var circle: MKCircle! { get } } |
To | class MKCircleRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init(circle circle: MKCircle) var circle: MKCircle { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | var circle: MKCircle! { get } |
To | var circle: MKCircle { get } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(circle circle: MKCircle!) |
To | init(circle circle: MKCircle) |
Modified MKDirections
Declaration | |
From | class MKDirections : NSObject { init!(request request: MKDirectionsRequest!) func calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKDirectionsHandler!) func calculateETAWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKETAHandler!) func cancel() var calculating: Bool { get } } |
To | class MKDirections : NSObject { init(request request: MKDirectionsRequest) func calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKDirectionsHandler) func calculateETAWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKETAHandler) func cancel() var calculating: Bool { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | func calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKDirectionsHandler!) |
To | func calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKDirectionsHandler) |
Declaration | |
From | func calculateETAWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKETAHandler!) |
To | func calculateETAWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKETAHandler) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(request request: MKDirectionsRequest!) |
To | init(request request: MKDirectionsRequest) |
Modified MKDirectionsRequest
Declaration | |
From | class MKDirectionsRequest : NSObject { func source() -> MKMapItem! func setSource(_ source: MKMapItem!) func destination() -> MKMapItem! func setDestination(_ destination: MKMapItem!) } extension MKDirectionsRequest { var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType var requestsAlternateRoutes: Bool @NSCopying var departureDate: NSDate! @NSCopying var arrivalDate: NSDate! } extension MKDirectionsRequest { init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) class func isDirectionsRequestURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> Bool } |
To | class MKDirectionsRequest : NSObject { var source: MKMapItem? var destination: MKMapItem? } extension MKDirectionsRequest { var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType var requestsAlternateRoutes: Bool @NSCopying var departureDate: NSDate? @NSCopying var arrivalDate: NSDate? } extension MKDirectionsRequest { init(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) class func isDirectionsRequestURL(_ url: NSURL) -> Bool } |
Modified MKDirectionsRequest.arrivalDate
Declaration | |
From | @NSCopying var arrivalDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var arrivalDate: NSDate? |
Modified MKDirectionsRequest.departureDate
Declaration | |
From | @NSCopying var departureDate: NSDate! |
To | @NSCopying var departureDate: NSDate? |
Declaration | |
From | init!(contentsOfURL url: NSURL!) |
To | init(contentsOfURL url: NSURL) |
Declaration | |
From | class func isDirectionsRequestURL(_ url: NSURL!) -> Bool |
To | class func isDirectionsRequestURL(_ url: NSURL) -> Bool |
Modified MKDirectionsResponse
Declaration | |
From | class MKDirectionsResponse : NSObject { var source: MKMapItem! { get } var destination: MKMapItem! { get } var routes: [AnyObject]! { get } } |
To | class MKDirectionsResponse : NSObject { var source: MKMapItem { get } var destination: MKMapItem { get } var routes: [MKRoute] { get } } |
Modified MKDirectionsResponse.destination
Declaration | |
From | var destination: MKMapItem! { get } |
To | var destination: MKMapItem { get } |
Modified MKDirectionsResponse.routes
Declaration | |
From | var routes: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var routes: [MKRoute] { get } |
Modified MKDirectionsResponse.source
Declaration | |
From | var source: MKMapItem! { get } |
To | var source: MKMapItem { get } |
Modified MKDirectionsTransportType [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct MKDirectionsTransportType : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Automobile: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } static var Walking: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } static var Any: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
To | struct MKDirectionsTransportType : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var Automobile: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } static var Walking: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } static var Transit: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } static var Any: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } } | OptionSetType |
Modified MKDistanceFormatter
Declaration | |
From | class MKDistanceFormatter : NSFormatter { func stringFromDistance(_ distance: CLLocationDistance) -> String! func distanceFromString(_ distance: String!) -> CLLocationDistance @NSCopying var locale: NSLocale! var units: MKDistanceFormatterUnits var unitStyle: MKDistanceFormatterUnitStyle } |
To | class MKDistanceFormatter : NSFormatter { func stringFromDistance(_ distance: CLLocationDistance) -> String func distanceFromString(_ distance: String) -> CLLocationDistance @NSCopying var locale: NSLocale! var units: MKDistanceFormatterUnits var unitStyle: MKDistanceFormatterUnitStyle } |
Declaration | |
From | func distanceFromString(_ distance: String!) -> CLLocationDistance |
To | func distanceFromString(_ distance: String) -> CLLocationDistance |
Declaration | |
From | func stringFromDistance(_ distance: CLLocationDistance) -> String! |
To | func stringFromDistance(_ distance: CLLocationDistance) -> String |
Modified MKDistanceFormatterUnits [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | UInt |
Modified MKDistanceFormatterUnitStyle [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | UInt |
Modified MKErrorCode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | UInt |
Modified MKETAResponse
Declaration | |
From | class MKETAResponse : NSObject { var source: MKMapItem! { get } var destination: MKMapItem! { get } var expectedTravelTime: NSTimeInterval { get } } |
To | class MKETAResponse : NSObject { var source: MKMapItem { get } var destination: MKMapItem { get } var expectedTravelTime: NSTimeInterval { get } var distance: CLLocationDistance { get } var expectedArrivalDate: NSDate { get } var expectedDepartureDate: NSDate { get } var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } } |
Modified MKETAResponse.destination
Declaration | |
From | var destination: MKMapItem! { get } |
To | var destination: MKMapItem { get } |
Modified MKETAResponse.source
Declaration | |
From | var source: MKMapItem! { get } |
To | var source: MKMapItem { get } |
Modified MKGeodesicPolyline
Declaration | |
From | class MKGeodesicPolyline : MKPolyline { convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self! convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self! } |
To | class MKGeodesicPolyline : MKPolyline { convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self } |
Modified MKGeodesicPolyline.init(coordinates: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count: Int)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
Modified MKLocalSearch
Declaration | |
From | class MKLocalSearch : NSObject { init!(request request: MKLocalSearchRequest!) func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler!) func cancel() var searching: Bool { get } } |
To | class MKLocalSearch : NSObject { init(request request: MKLocalSearchRequest) func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler) func cancel() var searching: Bool { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(request request: MKLocalSearchRequest!) |
To | init(request request: MKLocalSearchRequest) |
Declaration | |
From | func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler!) |
To | func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler) |
Modified MKLocalSearchRequest
Declaration | |
From | class MKLocalSearchRequest : NSObject, NSCopying { var naturalLanguageQuery: String! var region: MKCoordinateRegion } |
To | class MKLocalSearchRequest : NSObject, NSCopying { var naturalLanguageQuery: String? var region: MKCoordinateRegion } |
Declaration | |
From | var naturalLanguageQuery: String! |
To | var naturalLanguageQuery: String? |
Modified MKLocalSearchResponse
Declaration | |
From | class MKLocalSearchResponse : NSObject { var mapItems: [AnyObject]! { get } var boundingRegion: MKCoordinateRegion { get } } |
To | class MKLocalSearchResponse : NSObject { var mapItems: [MKMapItem] { get } var boundingRegion: MKCoordinateRegion { get } } |
Modified MKLocalSearchResponse.mapItems
Declaration | |
From | var mapItems: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var mapItems: [MKMapItem] { get } |
Modified MKMapCamera
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapCamera : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding, NSCopying { var centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D var heading: CLLocationDirection var pitch: CGFloat var altitude: CLLocationDistance convenience init!() class func camera() -> Self! convenience init!(lookingAtCenterCoordinate centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) class func cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(_ centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) -> Self! } |
To | class MKMapCamera : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding, NSCopying { var centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D var heading: CLLocationDirection var pitch: CGFloat var altitude: CLLocationDistance convenience init() class func camera() -> Self convenience init(lookingAtCenterCoordinate centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) class func cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(_ centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) -> Self convenience init(lookingAtCenterCoordinate centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromDistance distance: CLLocationDistance, pitch pitch: CGFloat, heading heading: CLLocationDirection) class func cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(_ centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromDistance distance: CLLocationDistance, pitch pitch: CGFloat, heading heading: CLLocationDirection) -> Self } |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(lookingAtCenterCoordinate centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) |
To | convenience init(lookingAtCenterCoordinate centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, fromEyeCoordinate eyeCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, eyeAltitude eyeAltitude: CLLocationDistance) |
Modified MKMapItem
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapItem : NSObject { var placemark: MKPlacemark! { get } var isCurrentLocation: Bool { get } var name: String! var phoneNumber: String! var url: NSURL! class func mapItemForCurrentLocation() -> MKMapItem! init!(placemark placemark: MKPlacemark!) func openInMapsWithLaunchOptions(_ launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool class func openMapsWithItems(_ mapItems: [AnyObject]!, launchOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool } |
To | class MKMapItem : NSObject { var placemark: MKPlacemark { get } var isCurrentLocation: Bool { get } var name: String? var phoneNumber: String? var url: NSURL? @NSCopying var timeZone: NSTimeZone? class func mapItemForCurrentLocation() -> MKMapItem init(placemark placemark: MKPlacemark) func openInMapsWithLaunchOptions(_ launchOptions: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool class func openMapsWithItems(_ mapItems: [MKMapItem], launchOptions launchOptions: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(placemark placemark: MKPlacemark!) |
To | init(placemark placemark: MKPlacemark) |
Declaration | |
From | class func mapItemForCurrentLocation() -> MKMapItem! |
To | class func mapItemForCurrentLocation() -> MKMapItem |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! |
To | var name: String? |
Declaration | |
From | func openInMapsWithLaunchOptions(_ launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | func openInMapsWithLaunchOptions(_ launchOptions: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool |
Modified MKMapItem.openMapsWithItems(_: [MKMapItem], launchOptions: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func openMapsWithItems(_ mapItems: [AnyObject]!, launchOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Bool |
To | class func openMapsWithItems(_ mapItems: [MKMapItem], launchOptions launchOptions: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Bool |
Modified MKMapItem.phoneNumber
Declaration | |
From | var phoneNumber: String! |
To | var phoneNumber: String? |
Modified MKMapItem.placemark
Declaration | |
From | var placemark: MKPlacemark! { get } |
To | var placemark: MKPlacemark { get } |
Modified MKMapItem.url
Declaration | |
From | var url: NSURL! |
To | var url: NSURL? |
Modified MKMapSnapshot
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapSnapshot : NSObject { var image: UIImage! { get } func pointForCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CGPoint } |
To | class MKMapSnapshot : NSObject { var image: UIImage { get } func pointForCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CGPoint } |
Modified MKMapSnapshot.image
Declaration | |
From | var image: UIImage! { get } |
To | var image: UIImage { get } |
Modified MKMapSnapshotOptions
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapSnapshotOptions : NSObject, NSCopying { @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera! var mapRect: MKMapRect var region: MKCoordinateRegion var mapType: MKMapType var showsPointsOfInterest: Bool var showsBuildings: Bool var size: CGSize var scale: CGFloat } |
To | class MKMapSnapshotOptions : NSObject, NSCopying { @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera var mapRect: MKMapRect var region: MKCoordinateRegion var mapType: MKMapType var showsPointsOfInterest: Bool var showsBuildings: Bool var size: CGSize var scale: CGFloat } |
Declaration | |
From | @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera! |
To | @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera |
Modified MKMapSnapshotter
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapSnapshotter : NSObject { init!(options options: MKMapSnapshotOptions!) func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler!) func startWithQueue(_ queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler!) func cancel() var loading: Bool { get } } |
To | class MKMapSnapshotter : NSObject { init(options options: MKMapSnapshotOptions) func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler) func startWithQueue(_ queue: dispatch_queue_t, completionHandler completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler) func cancel() var loading: Bool { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(options options: MKMapSnapshotOptions!) |
To | init(options options: MKMapSnapshotOptions) |
Declaration | |
From | func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler!) |
To | func startWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler) |
Declaration | |
From | func startWithQueue(_ queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler!) |
To | func startWithQueue(_ queue: dispatch_queue_t, completionHandler completionHandler: MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler) |
Modified MKMapType [enum]
Declaration | Raw Value Type | |
From | enum MKMapType : UInt { case Standard case Satellite case Hybrid } | -- |
To | enum MKMapType : UInt { case Standard case Satellite case Hybrid case SatelliteFlyover case HybridFlyover } | UInt |
Modified MKMapView
Declaration | |
From | class MKMapView : UIView, NSCoding { weak var delegate: MKMapViewDelegate! var mapType: MKMapType var region: MKCoordinateRegion func setRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, animated animated: Bool) var centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D func setCenterCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, animated animated: Bool) func regionThatFits(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion) -> MKCoordinateRegion var visibleMapRect: MKMapRect func setVisibleMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, animated animate: Bool) func mapRectThatFits(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> MKMapRect func setVisibleMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, edgePadding insets: UIEdgeInsets, animated animate: Bool) func mapRectThatFits(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, edgePadding insets: UIEdgeInsets) -> MKMapRect @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera! func setCamera(_ camera: MKMapCamera!, animated animated: Bool) func convertCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, toPointToView view: UIView!) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toCoordinateFromView view: UIView!) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D func convertRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, toRectToView view: UIView!) -> CGRect func convertRect(_ rect: CGRect, toRegionFromView view: UIView!) -> MKCoordinateRegion var zoomEnabled: Bool var scrollEnabled: Bool var rotateEnabled: Bool var pitchEnabled: Bool var showsPointsOfInterest: Bool var showsBuildings: Bool var showsUserLocation: Bool var userLocation: MKUserLocation! { get } var userTrackingMode: MKUserTrackingMode func setUserTrackingMode(_ mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) var userLocationVisible: Bool { get } func addAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) func addAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!) func removeAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) func removeAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!) var annotations: [AnyObject]! { get } func annotationsInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Set<NSObject>! func viewForAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! func dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!) -> MKAnnotationView! func selectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!, animated animated: Bool) func deselectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!, animated animated: Bool) var selectedAnnotations: [AnyObject]! var annotationVisibleRect: CGRect { get } func showAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!, animated animated: Bool) } extension MKMapView { func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, level level: MKOverlayLevel) func addOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!, level level: MKOverlayLevel) func removeOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) func removeOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, atIndex index: Int, level level: MKOverlayLevel) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, aboveOverlay sibling: MKOverlay!) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, belowOverlay sibling: MKOverlay!) func exchangeOverlay(_ overlay1: MKOverlay!, withOverlay overlay2: MKOverlay!) var overlays: [AnyObject]! { get } func overlaysInLevel(_ level: MKOverlayLevel) -> [AnyObject]! func rendererForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayRenderer! func viewForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayView! func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) func addOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, atIndex index: Int) func exchangeOverlayAtIndex(_ index1: Int, withOverlayAtIndex index2: Int) } |
To | class MKMapView : UIView { weak var delegate: MKMapViewDelegate? var mapType: MKMapType var region: MKCoordinateRegion func setRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, animated animated: Bool) var centerCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D func setCenterCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, animated animated: Bool) func regionThatFits(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion) -> MKCoordinateRegion var visibleMapRect: MKMapRect func setVisibleMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, animated animate: Bool) func mapRectThatFits(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> MKMapRect func _handleSelectionAtPoint(_ locationInView: CGPoint) func setVisibleMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, edgePadding insets: UIEdgeInsets, animated animate: Bool) func mapRectThatFits(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, edgePadding insets: UIEdgeInsets) -> MKMapRect @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera func setCamera(_ camera: MKMapCamera, animated animated: Bool) func convertCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, toPointToView view: UIView?) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toCoordinateFromView view: UIView?) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D func convertRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, toRectToView view: UIView?) -> CGRect func convertRect(_ rect: CGRect, toRegionFromView view: UIView?) -> MKCoordinateRegion var zoomEnabled: Bool var scrollEnabled: Bool var rotateEnabled: Bool var pitchEnabled: Bool var showsCompass: Bool var showsScale: Bool var showsPointsOfInterest: Bool var showsBuildings: Bool var showsTraffic: Bool var showsUserLocation: Bool var userLocation: MKUserLocation { get } var userTrackingMode: MKUserTrackingMode func setUserTrackingMode(_ mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) var userLocationVisible: Bool { get } func addAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) func addAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation]) func removeAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) func removeAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation]) var annotations: [MKAnnotation] { get } func annotationsInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Set<NSObject> func viewForAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? func dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String) -> MKAnnotationView? func selectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation, animated animated: Bool) func deselectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation?, animated animated: Bool) var selectedAnnotations: [MKAnnotation] var annotationVisibleRect: CGRect { get } func showAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation], animated animated: Bool) } extension MKMapView { func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, level level: MKOverlayLevel) func addOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay], level level: MKOverlayLevel) func removeOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) func removeOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay]) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, atIndex index: Int, level level: MKOverlayLevel) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, aboveOverlay sibling: MKOverlay) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, belowOverlay sibling: MKOverlay) func exchangeOverlay(_ overlay1: MKOverlay, withOverlay overlay2: MKOverlay) var overlays: [MKOverlay] { get } func overlaysInLevel(_ level: MKOverlayLevel) -> [MKOverlay] func rendererForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer? func viewForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayView func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) func addOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay]) func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, atIndex index: Int) func exchangeOverlayAtIndex(_ index1: Int, withOverlayAtIndex index2: Int) } |
Declaration | |
From | func addAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) |
To | func addAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) |
Declaration | |
From | func addAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation]) |
Modified MKMapView.addOverlay(_: MKOverlay)
Declaration | |
From | func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) |
To | func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) |
Declaration | |
From | func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
To | func addOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
Declaration | |
From | func addOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func addOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay]) |
Declaration | |
From | func addOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!, level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
To | func addOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay], level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
Modified MKMapView.annotations
Declaration | |
From | var annotations: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var annotations: [MKAnnotation] { get } |
Declaration | |
From | func annotationsInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Set<NSObject>! |
To | func annotationsInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> Set<NSObject> |
Declaration | |
From | @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera! |
To | @NSCopying var camera: MKMapCamera |
Declaration | |
From | func convertCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, toPointToView view: UIView!) -> CGPoint |
To | func convertCoordinate(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, toPointToView view: UIView?) -> CGPoint |
Modified MKMapView.convertPoint(_: CGPoint, toCoordinateFromView: UIView?) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D
Declaration | |
From | func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toCoordinateFromView view: UIView!) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D |
To | func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toCoordinateFromView view: UIView?) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D |
Declaration | |
From | func convertRect(_ rect: CGRect, toRegionFromView view: UIView!) -> MKCoordinateRegion |
To | func convertRect(_ rect: CGRect, toRegionFromView view: UIView?) -> MKCoordinateRegion |
Declaration | |
From | func convertRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, toRectToView view: UIView!) -> CGRect |
To | func convertRegion(_ region: MKCoordinateRegion, toRectToView view: UIView?) -> CGRect |
Modified MKMapView.delegate
Declaration | |
From | weak var delegate: MKMapViewDelegate! |
To | weak var delegate: MKMapViewDelegate? |
Declaration | |
From | func dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String!) -> MKAnnotationView! |
To | func dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String) -> MKAnnotationView? |
Declaration | |
From | func deselectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!, animated animated: Bool) |
To | func deselectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation?, animated animated: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | func exchangeOverlay(_ overlay1: MKOverlay!, withOverlay overlay2: MKOverlay!) |
To | func exchangeOverlay(_ overlay1: MKOverlay, withOverlay overlay2: MKOverlay) |
Declaration | |
From | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, aboveOverlay sibling: MKOverlay!) |
To | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, aboveOverlay sibling: MKOverlay) |
Declaration | |
From | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, atIndex index: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, atIndex index: Int, level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
To | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, atIndex index: Int, level level: MKOverlayLevel) |
Declaration | |
From | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!, belowOverlay sibling: MKOverlay!) |
To | func insertOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay, belowOverlay sibling: MKOverlay) |
Modified MKMapView.overlays
Declaration | |
From | var overlays: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var overlays: [MKOverlay] { get } |
Declaration | |
From | func overlaysInLevel(_ level: MKOverlayLevel) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func overlaysInLevel(_ level: MKOverlayLevel) -> [MKOverlay] |
Declaration | |
From | func removeAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) |
To | func removeAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) |
Declaration | |
From | func removeAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation]) |
Declaration | |
From | func removeOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) |
To | func removeOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) |
Declaration | |
From | func removeOverlays(_ overlays: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeOverlays(_ overlays: [MKOverlay]) |
Declaration | |
From | func rendererForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayRenderer! |
To | func rendererForOverlay(_ overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer? |
Declaration | |
From | func selectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!, animated animated: Bool) |
To | func selectAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation, animated animated: Bool) |
Modified MKMapView.selectedAnnotations
Declaration | |
From | var selectedAnnotations: [AnyObject]! |
To | var selectedAnnotations: [MKAnnotation] |
Declaration | |
From | func setCamera(_ camera: MKMapCamera!, animated animated: Bool) |
To | func setCamera(_ camera: MKMapCamera, animated animated: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | func showAnnotations(_ annotations: [AnyObject]!, animated animated: Bool) |
To | func showAnnotations(_ annotations: [MKAnnotation], animated animated: Bool) |
Modified MKMapView.userLocation
Declaration | |
From | var userLocation: MKUserLocation! { get } |
To | var userLocation: MKUserLocation { get } |
Declaration | |
From | func viewForAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! |
To | func viewForAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? |
Modified MKMapViewDelegate
Declaration | |
From | protocol MKMapViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) optional func mapViewWillStartLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) optional func mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) optional func mapViewDidFailLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!, withError error: NSError!) optional func mapViewWillStartRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) optional func mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!, fullyRendered fullyRendered: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didAddAnnotationViews views: [AnyObject]!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView!, calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didDeselectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView!) optional func mapViewWillStartLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView!) optional func mapViewDidStopLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didUpdateUserLocation userLocation: MKUserLocation!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didFailToLocateUserWithError error: NSError!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView!, didChangeDragState newState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, fromOldState oldState: MKAnnotationViewDragState) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didChangeUserTrackingMode mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, rendererForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayRenderer! optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didAddOverlayRenderers renderers: [AnyObject]!) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, viewForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayView! optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didAddOverlayViews overlayViews: [AnyObject]!) } |
To | protocol MKMapViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) optional func mapViewWillStartLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) optional func mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) optional func mapViewDidFailLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView, withError error: NSError) optional func mapViewWillStartRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) optional func mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView, fullyRendered fullyRendered: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didAddAnnotationViews views: [MKAnnotationView]) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView, calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) optional func mapViewWillStartLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView) optional func mapViewDidStopLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didUpdateUserLocation userLocation: MKUserLocation) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didFailToLocateUserWithError error: NSError) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView, didChangeDragState newState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, fromOldState oldState: MKAnnotationViewDragState) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didChangeUserTrackingMode mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didAddOverlayRenderers renderers: [MKOverlayRenderer]) optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayView optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didAddOverlayViews overlayViews: [AnyObject]) } |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView!, calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl!) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView, calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView!, didChangeDragState newState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, fromOldState oldState: MKAnnotationViewDragState) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView, didChangeDragState newState: MKAnnotationViewDragState, fromOldState oldState: MKAnnotationViewDragState) |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didAddAnnotationViews views: [AnyObject]!) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didAddAnnotationViews views: [MKAnnotationView]) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didAddOverlayRenderers renderers: [AnyObject]!) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didAddOverlayRenderers renderers: [MKOverlayRenderer]) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didChangeUserTrackingMode mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didChangeUserTrackingMode mode: MKUserTrackingMode, animated animated: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didDeselectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView!) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didFailToLocateUserWithError error: NSError!) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didFailToLocateUserWithError error: NSError) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView!) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, didUpdateUserLocation userLocation: MKUserLocation!) |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didUpdateUserLocation userLocation: MKUserLocation) |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) | iOS 3.0 |
Modified MKMapViewDelegate.mapView(_: MKMapView, rendererForOverlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, rendererForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay!) -> MKOverlayRenderer! |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererForOverlay overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer |
Modified MKMapViewDelegate.mapView(_: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView?
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView!, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapViewDidFailLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!, withError error: NSError!) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapViewDidFailLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView, withError error: NSError) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!, fullyRendered fullyRendered: Bool) |
To | optional func mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView, fullyRendered fullyRendered: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapViewDidStopLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView!) |
To | optional func mapViewDidStopLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView) |
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | optional func mapViewWillStartLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) | iOS 8.0 |
To | optional func mapViewWillStartLoadingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) | iOS 3.0 |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapViewWillStartLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView!) |
To | optional func mapViewWillStartLocatingUser(_ mapView: MKMapView) |
Declaration | |
From | optional func mapViewWillStartRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView!) |
To | optional func mapViewWillStartRenderingMap(_ mapView: MKMapView) |
Modified MKOverlayLevel [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified MKOverlayPathRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKOverlayPathRenderer : MKOverlayRenderer { var fillColor: UIColor! var strokeColor: UIColor! var lineWidth: CGFloat var lineJoin: CGLineJoin var lineCap: CGLineCap var miterLimit: CGFloat var lineDashPhase: CGFloat var lineDashPattern: [AnyObject]! func createPath() var path: CGPath! func invalidatePath() func applyStrokePropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext!, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) func applyFillPropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext!, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) func strokePath(_ path: CGPath!, inContext context: CGContext!) func fillPath(_ path: CGPath!, inContext context: CGContext!) } |
To | class MKOverlayPathRenderer : MKOverlayRenderer { var fillColor: UIColor? var strokeColor: UIColor? var lineWidth: CGFloat var lineJoin: CGLineJoin var lineCap: CGLineCap var miterLimit: CGFloat var lineDashPhase: CGFloat var lineDashPattern: [NSNumber]? func createPath() var path: CGPath! func invalidatePath() func applyStrokePropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) func applyFillPropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) func strokePath(_ path: CGPath, inContext context: CGContext) func fillPath(_ path: CGPath, inContext context: CGContext) } |
Declaration | |
From | func applyFillPropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext!, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) |
To | func applyFillPropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) |
Modified MKOverlayPathRenderer.applyStrokePropertiesToContext(_: CGContext, atZoomScale: MKZoomScale)
Declaration | |
From | func applyStrokePropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext!, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) |
To | func applyStrokePropertiesToContext(_ context: CGContext, atZoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) |
Modified MKOverlayPathRenderer.fillColor
Declaration | |
From | var fillColor: UIColor! |
To | var fillColor: UIColor? |
Declaration | |
From | func fillPath(_ path: CGPath!, inContext context: CGContext!) |
To | func fillPath(_ path: CGPath, inContext context: CGContext) |
Declaration | |
From | var lineDashPattern: [AnyObject]! |
To | var lineDashPattern: [NSNumber]? |
Modified MKOverlayPathRenderer.strokeColor
Declaration | |
From | var strokeColor: UIColor! |
To | var strokeColor: UIColor? |
Declaration | |
From | func strokePath(_ path: CGPath!, inContext context: CGContext!) |
To | func strokePath(_ path: CGPath, inContext context: CGContext) |
Modified MKOverlayRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKOverlayRenderer : NSObject { init!(overlay overlay: MKOverlay!) var overlay: MKOverlay! { get } func pointForMapPoint(_ mapPoint: MKMapPoint) -> CGPoint func mapPointForPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> MKMapPoint func rectForMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> CGRect func mapRectForRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> MKMapRect func canDrawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) -> Bool func drawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale, inContext context: CGContext!) func setNeedsDisplay() func setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) func setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) var alpha: CGFloat var contentScaleFactor: CGFloat { get } } |
To | class MKOverlayRenderer : NSObject { init(overlay overlay: MKOverlay) var overlay: MKOverlay { get } func pointForMapPoint(_ mapPoint: MKMapPoint) -> CGPoint func mapPointForPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> MKMapPoint func rectForMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) -> CGRect func mapRectForRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> MKMapRect func canDrawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) -> Bool func drawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale, inContext context: CGContext) func setNeedsDisplay() func setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect) func setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale) var alpha: CGFloat var contentScaleFactor: CGFloat { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | func drawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale, inContext context: CGContext!) |
To | func drawMapRect(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale zoomScale: MKZoomScale, inContext context: CGContext) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(overlay overlay: MKOverlay!) |
To | init(overlay overlay: MKOverlay) |
Modified MKOverlayRenderer.overlay
Declaration | |
From | var overlay: MKOverlay! { get } |
To | var overlay: MKOverlay { get } |
Modified MKPinAnnotationColor [enum]
Deprecation | Raw Value Type | |
From | -- | -- |
To | iOS 9.0 | UInt |
Modified MKPinAnnotationView
Declaration | |
From | class MKPinAnnotationView : MKAnnotationView { var pinColor: MKPinAnnotationColor var animatesDrop: Bool } |
To | class MKPinAnnotationView : MKAnnotationView { class func redPinColor() -> UIColor class func greenPinColor() -> UIColor class func purplePinColor() -> UIColor var pinTintColor: UIColor! var animatesDrop: Bool var pinColor: MKPinAnnotationColor } |
Modified MKPinAnnotationView.pinColor
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | iOS 8.0 | -- |
To | iOS 3.0 | iOS 9.0 |
Modified MKPlacemark
Declaration | |
From | class MKPlacemark : CLPlacemark, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { init!(coordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, addressDictionary addressDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) var countryCode: String! { get } } |
To | class MKPlacemark : CLPlacemark, MKAnnotation { init(coordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, addressDictionary addressDictionary: [String : AnyObject]?) var countryCode: String? { get } } |
Modified MKPlacemark.countryCode
Declaration | |
From | var countryCode: String! { get } |
To | var countryCode: String? { get } |
Modified MKPlacemark.init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, addressDictionary: [String : AnyObject]?)
Declaration | |
From | init!(coordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, addressDictionary addressDictionary: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) |
To | init(coordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, addressDictionary addressDictionary: [String : AnyObject]?) |
Modified MKPolygon
Declaration | |
From | class MKPolygon : MKMultiPoint, MKOverlay, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polygonWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self! convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) class func polygonWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) -> Self! convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polygonWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self! convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) class func polygonWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) -> Self! var interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]! { get } } |
To | class MKPolygon : MKMultiPoint, MKOverlay { convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polygonWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) class func polygonWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) -> Self convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polygonWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) class func polygonWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) -> Self var interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]? { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
Modified MKPolygon.init(points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count: Int, interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]!) |
To | convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int, interiorPolygons interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]?) |
Modified MKPolygon.interiorPolygons
Declaration | |
From | var interiorPolygons: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var interiorPolygons: [MKPolygon]? { get } |
Modified MKPolygonRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKPolygonRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init!(polygon polygon: MKPolygon!) var polygon: MKPolygon! { get } } |
To | class MKPolygonRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init(polygon polygon: MKPolygon) var polygon: MKPolygon { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(polygon polygon: MKPolygon!) |
To | init(polygon polygon: MKPolygon) |
Modified MKPolygonRenderer.polygon
Declaration | |
From | var polygon: MKPolygon! { get } |
To | var polygon: MKPolygon { get } |
Modified MKPolyline
Declaration | |
From | class MKPolyline : MKMultiPoint, MKOverlay, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self! convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self! } |
To | class MKPolyline : MKMultiPoint, MKOverlay { convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) -> Self convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) class func polylineWithCoordinates(_ coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) -> Self } |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(coordinates coords: UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>, count count: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
To | convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<MKMapPoint>, count count: Int) |
Modified MKPolylineRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKPolylineRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init!(polyline polyline: MKPolyline!) var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } } |
To | class MKPolylineRenderer : MKOverlayPathRenderer { init(polyline polyline: MKPolyline) var polyline: MKPolyline { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(polyline polyline: MKPolyline!) |
To | init(polyline polyline: MKPolyline) |
Modified MKPolylineRenderer.polyline
Declaration | |
From | var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } |
To | var polyline: MKPolyline { get } |
Modified MKRoute
Declaration | |
From | class MKRoute : NSObject { var name: String! { get } var advisoryNotices: [AnyObject]! { get } var distance: CLLocationDistance { get } var expectedTravelTime: NSTimeInterval { get } var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } var steps: [AnyObject]! { get } } |
To | class MKRoute : NSObject { var name: String { get } var advisoryNotices: [String] { get } var distance: CLLocationDistance { get } var expectedTravelTime: NSTimeInterval { get } var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } var polyline: MKPolyline { get } var steps: [MKRouteStep] { get } } |
Modified MKRoute.advisoryNotices
Declaration | |
From | var advisoryNotices: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var advisoryNotices: [String] { get } |
Declaration | |
From | var name: String! { get } |
To | var name: String { get } |
Modified MKRoute.polyline
Declaration | |
From | var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } |
To | var polyline: MKPolyline { get } |
Modified MKRoute.steps
Declaration | |
From | var steps: [AnyObject]! { get } |
To | var steps: [MKRouteStep] { get } |
Modified MKRouteStep
Declaration | |
From | class MKRouteStep : NSObject { var instructions: String! { get } var notice: String! { get } var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } var distance: CLLocationDistance { get } var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } } |
To | class MKRouteStep : NSObject { var instructions: String { get } var notice: String? { get } var polyline: MKPolyline { get } var distance: CLLocationDistance { get } var transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } } |
Modified MKRouteStep.instructions
Declaration | |
From | var instructions: String! { get } |
To | var instructions: String { get } |
Modified MKRouteStep.notice
Declaration | |
From | var notice: String! { get } |
To | var notice: String? { get } |
Modified MKRouteStep.polyline
Declaration | |
From | var polyline: MKPolyline! { get } |
To | var polyline: MKPolyline { get } |
Modified MKShape
Declaration | |
From | class MKShape : NSObject, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { var title: String! var subtitle: String! } |
To | class MKShape : NSObject, MKAnnotation { var title: String? var subtitle: String? } |
Modified MKShape.subtitle
Declaration | |
From | var subtitle: String! |
To | var subtitle: String? |
Modified MKShape.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified MKTileOverlay
Declaration | |
From | class MKTileOverlay : NSObject, MKOverlay, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { init!(URLTemplate URLTemplate: String!) var tileSize: CGSize var geometryFlipped: Bool var minimumZ: Int var maximumZ: Int var URLTemplate: String! { get } var canReplaceMapContent: Bool } extension MKTileOverlay { func URLForTilePath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath) -> NSURL! func loadTileAtPath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath, result result: ((NSData!, NSError!) -> Void)!) } |
To | class MKTileOverlay : NSObject, MKOverlay, MKAnnotation { init(URLTemplate URLTemplate: String?) var tileSize: CGSize var geometryFlipped: Bool var minimumZ: Int var maximumZ: Int var URLTemplate: String? { get } var canReplaceMapContent: Bool } extension MKTileOverlay { func URLForTilePath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath) -> NSURL func loadTileAtPath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath, result result: (NSData?, NSError?) -> Void) } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(URLTemplate URLTemplate: String!) |
To | init(URLTemplate URLTemplate: String?) |
Declaration | |
From | func loadTileAtPath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath, result result: ((NSData!, NSError!) -> Void)!) |
To | func loadTileAtPath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath, result result: (NSData?, NSError?) -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func URLForTilePath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath) -> NSURL! |
To | func URLForTilePath(_ path: MKTileOverlayPath) -> NSURL |
Modified MKTileOverlay.URLTemplate
Declaration | |
From | var URLTemplate: String! { get } |
To | var URLTemplate: String? { get } |
Modified MKTileOverlayRenderer
Declaration | |
From | class MKTileOverlayRenderer : MKOverlayRenderer { init!(tileOverlay overlay: MKTileOverlay!) func reloadData() } |
To | class MKTileOverlayRenderer : MKOverlayRenderer { init(tileOverlay overlay: MKTileOverlay) func reloadData() } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(tileOverlay overlay: MKTileOverlay!) |
To | init(tileOverlay overlay: MKTileOverlay) |
Modified MKUserLocation
Declaration | |
From | class MKUserLocation : NSObject, MKAnnotation, NSObjectProtocol { var updating: Bool { get } var location: CLLocation! { get } var heading: CLHeading! { get } var title: String! var subtitle: String! } |
To | class MKUserLocation : NSObject, MKAnnotation { var updating: Bool { get } var location: CLLocation? { get } var heading: CLHeading? { get } var title: String? var subtitle: String? } |
Modified MKUserLocation.heading
Declaration | |
From | var heading: CLHeading! { get } |
To | var heading: CLHeading? { get } |
Modified MKUserLocation.location
Declaration | |
From | var location: CLLocation! { get } |
To | var location: CLLocation? { get } |
Modified MKUserLocation.subtitle
Declaration | |
From | var subtitle: String! |
To | var subtitle: String? |
Modified MKUserLocation.title
Declaration | |
From | var title: String! |
To | var title: String? |
Modified MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem
Declaration | |
From | class MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem : UIBarButtonItem { init!(mapView mapView: MKMapView!) var mapView: MKMapView! } |
To | class MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem : UIBarButtonItem { init(mapView mapView: MKMapView?) var mapView: MKMapView? } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(mapView mapView: MKMapView!) |
To | init(mapView mapView: MKMapView?) |
Modified MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem.mapView
Declaration | |
From | var mapView: MKMapView! |
To | var mapView: MKMapView? |
Modified MKUserTrackingMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Declaration | |
From | init!(MKCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> NSValue |
To | init(MKCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(MKCoordinateSpan span: MKCoordinateSpan) -> NSValue |
To | init(MKCoordinateSpan span: MKCoordinateSpan) |
Modified MKDirectionsHandler
Declaration | |
From | typealias MKDirectionsHandler = (MKDirectionsResponse!, NSError!) -> Void |
To | typealias MKDirectionsHandler = (MKDirectionsResponse?, NSError?) -> Void |
Modified MKETAHandler
Declaration | |
From | typealias MKETAHandler = (MKETAResponse!, NSError!) -> Void |
To | typealias MKETAHandler = (MKETAResponse?, NSError?) -> Void |
Modified MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler
Declaration | |
From | typealias MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler = (MKLocalSearchResponse!, NSError!) -> Void |
To | typealias MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler = (MKLocalSearchResponse?, NSError?) -> Void |
Modified MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler
Declaration | |
From | typealias MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler = (MKMapSnapshot!, NSError!) -> Void |
To | typealias MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler = (MKMapSnapshot?, NSError?) -> Void |
Declaration | |
From | func MKStringFromMapPoint(_ point: MKMapPoint) -> String! |
To | func MKStringFromMapPoint(_ point: MKMapPoint) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func MKStringFromMapRect(_ rect: MKMapRect) -> String! |
To | func MKStringFromMapRect(_ rect: MKMapRect) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func MKStringFromMapSize(_ size: MKMapSize) -> String! |
To | func MKStringFromMapSize(_ size: MKMapSize) -> String |