SpriteKit Changes for Swift
Removed SKShapeNode.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Removed SKSpriteNode.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Removed SKTexture.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Removed SKTextureAtlas.getMirror() -> MirrorType
Removed SKVideoNode.init(videoFileNamed: String!) -> SKVideoNode
Removed SKVideoNode.init(videoURL: NSURL!) -> SKVideoNode
Added SKAction.animateWithNormalTextures(_: [SKTexture], timePerFrame: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction [class]
Added SKAction.applyForce(_: CGVector, atPoint: CGPoint, duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction [class]
Added SKAction.applyImpulse(_: CGVector, atPoint: CGPoint, duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction [class]
Added SKAudioNode
Added SKAudioNode.avAudioNode
Added SKAudioNode.positional
Added SKCameraNode
Added SKFieldNode.direction
Added SKNode.obstaclesFromSpriteTextures(_: [SKNode], accuracy: Float) -> [GKPolygonObstacle] [class]
Added SKReferenceNode
Added SKScene.audioEngine
Added SKScene.camera
Added SKScene.listener
Added SKTexture.CGImage
Added SKFieldForceEvaluator
Modified SK3DNode
Declaration | |
From | class SK3DNode : SKNode { init(viewportSize viewportSize: CGSize) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) class func nodeWithViewportSize(_ viewportSize: CGSize) -> Self var viewportSize: CGSize var scnScene: SCNScene! var sceneTime: NSTimeInterval func hitTest(_ thePoint: CGPoint, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! var playing: Bool var loops: Bool var pointOfView: SCNNode! var autoenablesDefaultLighting: Bool } |
To | class SK3DNode : SKNode { init(viewportSize viewportSize: CGSize) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) class func nodeWithViewportSize(_ viewportSize: CGSize) -> Self var viewportSize: CGSize var scnScene: SCNScene? var sceneTime: NSTimeInterval func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [SCNHitTestResult] func projectPoint(_ point: vector_float3) -> vector_float3 func unprojectPoint(_ point: vector_float3) -> vector_float3 var playing: Bool var loops: Bool var pointOfView: SCNNode? var autoenablesDefaultLighting: Bool } |
Declaration | |
From | func hitTest(_ thePoint: CGPoint, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! |
To | func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [SCNHitTestResult] |
Modified SK3DNode.pointOfView
Declaration | |
From | var pointOfView: SCNNode! |
To | var pointOfView: SCNNode? |
Modified SK3DNode.scnScene
Declaration | |
From | var scnScene: SCNScene! |
To | var scnScene: SCNScene? |
Modified SKAction
Declaration | |
From | class SKAction : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { var duration: NSTimeInterval var timingMode: SKActionTimingMode var timingFunction: SKActionTimingFunction? var speed: CGFloat func reversedAction() -> SKAction } extension SKAction { class func moveBy(_ delta: CGVector, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveByX(_ deltaX: CGFloat, y deltaY: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveTo(_ location: CGPoint, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveToX(_ x: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveToY(_ y: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateByAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateToAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateToAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval, shortestUnitArc shortestUnitArc: Bool) -> SKAction class func resizeByWidth(_ width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToWidth(_ width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToWidth(_ width: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToHeight(_ height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleBy(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXBy(_ xScale: CGFloat, y yScale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXTo(_ xScale: CGFloat, y yScale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleYTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func sequence(_ actions: [AnyObject]) -> SKAction! class func group(_ actions: [AnyObject]) -> SKAction! class func repeatAction(_ action: SKAction, count count: Int) -> SKAction class func repeatActionForever(_ action: SKAction) -> SKAction class func fadeInWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeOutWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeAlphaBy(_ factor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeAlphaTo(_ alpha: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func hide() -> SKAction class func unhide() -> SKAction class func setTexture(_ texture: SKTexture) -> SKAction class func setTexture(_ texture: SKTexture, resize resize: Bool) -> SKAction class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval, resize resize: Bool, restore restore: Bool) -> SKAction class func playSoundFileNamed(_ soundFile: String, waitForCompletion wait: Bool) -> SKAction class func colorizeWithColor(_ color: UIColor, colorBlendFactor colorBlendFactor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func colorizeWithColorBlendFactor(_ colorBlendFactor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func falloffTo(_ falloff: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func falloffBy(_ falloff: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, asOffset offset: Bool, orientToPath orient: Bool, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, speed speed: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, asOffset offset: Bool, orientToPath orient: Bool, speed speed: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func speedBy(_ speed: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func speedTo(_ speed: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachTo(_ position: CGPoint, rootNode root: SKNode, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachTo(_ position: CGPoint, rootNode root: SKNode, velocity velocity: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func reachToNode(_ node: SKNode, rootNode root: SKNode, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachToNode(_ node: SKNode, rootNode root: SKNode, velocity velocity: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func strengthTo(_ strength: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func strengthBy(_ strength: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func waitForDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func waitForDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval, withRange durationRange: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func removeFromParent() -> SKAction class func performSelector(_ selector: Selector, onTarget target: AnyObject!) -> SKAction! class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t) -> SKAction class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?) -> SKAction class func runAction(_ action: SKAction, onChildWithName name: String) -> SKAction class func customActionWithDuration(_ seconds: NSTimeInterval, actionBlock block: (SKNode!, CGFloat) -> Void) -> SKAction } |
To | class SKAction : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { var duration: NSTimeInterval var timingMode: SKActionTimingMode var timingFunction: SKActionTimingFunction var speed: CGFloat func reversedAction() -> SKAction } extension SKAction { class func moveBy(_ delta: CGVector, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveByX(_ deltaX: CGFloat, y deltaY: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveTo(_ location: CGPoint, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveToX(_ x: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func moveToY(_ y: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateByAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateToAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func rotateToAngle(_ radians: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval, shortestUnitArc shortestUnitArc: Bool) -> SKAction class func resizeByWidth(_ width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToWidth(_ width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToWidth(_ width: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func resizeToHeight(_ height: CGFloat, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleBy(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXBy(_ xScale: CGFloat, y yScale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXTo(_ xScale: CGFloat, y yScale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleXTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func scaleYTo(_ scale: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func sequence(_ actions: [SKAction]) -> SKAction class func group(_ actions: [SKAction]) -> SKAction class func repeatAction(_ action: SKAction, count count: Int) -> SKAction class func repeatActionForever(_ action: SKAction) -> SKAction class func fadeInWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeOutWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeAlphaBy(_ factor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func fadeAlphaTo(_ alpha: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func hide() -> SKAction class func unhide() -> SKAction class func setTexture(_ texture: SKTexture) -> SKAction class func setNormalTexture(_ texture: SKTexture) -> SKAction class func setTexture(_ texture: SKTexture, resize resize: Bool) -> SKAction class func setNormalTexture(_ texture: SKTexture, resize resize: Bool) -> SKAction class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func animateWithNormalTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval, resize resize: Bool, restore restore: Bool) -> SKAction class func animateWithNormalTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval, resize resize: Bool, restore restore: Bool) -> SKAction class func playSoundFileNamed(_ soundFile: String, waitForCompletion wait: Bool) -> SKAction class func colorizeWithColor(_ color: UIColor, colorBlendFactor colorBlendFactor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func colorizeWithColorBlendFactor(_ colorBlendFactor: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func falloffTo(_ falloff: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func falloffBy(_ falloff: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, asOffset offset: Bool, orientToPath orient: Bool, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, speed speed: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func followPath(_ path: CGPath, asOffset offset: Bool, orientToPath orient: Bool, speed speed: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func speedBy(_ speed: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func speedTo(_ speed: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachTo(_ position: CGPoint, rootNode root: SKNode, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachTo(_ position: CGPoint, rootNode root: SKNode, velocity velocity: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func reachToNode(_ node: SKNode, rootNode root: SKNode, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func reachToNode(_ node: SKNode, rootNode root: SKNode, velocity velocity: CGFloat) -> SKAction class func strengthTo(_ strength: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func strengthBy(_ strength: Float, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func waitForDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func waitForDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval, withRange durationRange: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func removeFromParent() -> SKAction class func performSelector(_ selector: Selector, onTarget target: AnyObject) -> SKAction class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t) -> SKAction class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t) -> SKAction class func runAction(_ action: SKAction, onChildWithName name: String) -> SKAction class func customActionWithDuration(_ seconds: NSTimeInterval, actionBlock block: (SKNode, CGFloat) -> Void) -> SKAction init?(named name: String) class func actionNamed(_ name: String) -> SKAction? init?(named name: String, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) class func actionNamed(_ name: String, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction? init?(named name: String, fromURL url: NSURL) class func actionNamed(_ name: String, fromURL url: NSURL) -> SKAction? init?(named name: String, fromURL url: NSURL, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) class func actionNamed(_ name: String, fromURL url: NSURL, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction? } extension SKAction { class func changeChargeTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeChargeBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeMassTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeMassBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyForce(_ force: CGVector, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyForce(_ force: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyTorque(_ torque: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func applyAngularImpulse(_ impulse: CGFloat, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction } extension SKAction { class func play() -> SKAction class func pause() -> SKAction class func stop() -> SKAction class func changePlaybackRateTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changePlaybackRateBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction } extension SKAction { class func changeVolumeTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeVolumeBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction } extension SKAction { class func stereoPanTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func stereoPanBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeReverbTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeReverbBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeObstructionTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeObstructionBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeOcclusionTo(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction class func changeOcclusionBy(_ v: Float, duration duration: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction } |
Modified SKAction.animateWithTextures(_: [SKTexture], timePerFrame: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction |
To | class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKAction |
Declaration | |
From | class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval, resize resize: Bool, restore restore: Bool) -> SKAction |
To | class func animateWithTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], timePerFrame sec: NSTimeInterval, resize resize: Bool, restore restore: Bool) -> SKAction |
Declaration | |
From | class func customActionWithDuration(_ seconds: NSTimeInterval, actionBlock block: (SKNode!, CGFloat) -> Void) -> SKAction |
To | class func customActionWithDuration(_ seconds: NSTimeInterval, actionBlock block: (SKNode, CGFloat) -> Void) -> SKAction |
Declaration | |
From | class func group(_ actions: [AnyObject]) -> SKAction! |
To | class func group(_ actions: [SKAction]) -> SKAction |
Declaration | |
From | class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?) -> SKAction |
To | class func runBlock(_ block: dispatch_block_t, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t) -> SKAction |
Declaration | |
From | class func sequence(_ actions: [AnyObject]) -> SKAction! |
To | class func sequence(_ actions: [SKAction]) -> SKAction |
Introduction | |
From | iOS 8.0 |
To | iOS 7.1 |
Introduction | |
From | iOS 8.0 |
To | iOS 7.1 |
Modified SKAction.timingFunction
Declaration | |
From | var timingFunction: SKActionTimingFunction? |
To | var timingFunction: SKActionTimingFunction |
Modified SKActionTimingMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKBlendMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKConstraint
Declaration | |
From | class SKConstraint : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { var enabled: Bool var referenceNode: SKNode? class func positionX(_ range: SKRange) -> Self class func positionY(_ range: SKRange) -> Self class func positionX(_ xRange: SKRange, y yRange: SKRange) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange!, toNode node: SKNode!) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toPoint point: CGPoint) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toPoint point: CGPoint, inNode node: SKNode) -> Self class func zRotation(_ zRange: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToNode(_ node: SKNode, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToPoint(_ point: CGPoint, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToPoint(_ point: CGPoint, inNode node: SKNode, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self } |
To | class SKConstraint : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { var enabled: Bool var referenceNode: SKNode? class func positionX(_ range: SKRange) -> Self class func positionY(_ range: SKRange) -> Self class func positionX(_ xRange: SKRange, y yRange: SKRange) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toNode node: SKNode) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toPoint point: CGPoint) -> Self class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toPoint point: CGPoint, inNode node: SKNode) -> Self class func zRotation(_ zRange: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToNode(_ node: SKNode, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToPoint(_ point: CGPoint, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self class func orientToPoint(_ point: CGPoint, inNode node: SKNode, offset radians: SKRange) -> Self } |
Declaration | |
From | class func distance(_ range: SKRange!, toNode node: SKNode!) -> Self |
To | class func distance(_ range: SKRange, toNode node: SKNode) -> Self |
Modified SKEmitterNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKEmitterNode : SKNode { func advanceSimulationTime(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) func resetSimulation() var particleTexture: SKTexture? var particleZPosition: CGFloat var particleZPositionRange: CGFloat var particleZPositionSpeed: CGFloat var particleBlendMode: SKBlendMode var particleColor: UIColor! var particleColorRedRange: CGFloat var particleColorGreenRange: CGFloat var particleColorBlueRange: CGFloat var particleColorAlphaRange: CGFloat var particleColorRedSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorGreenSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorBlueSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorAlphaSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particleColorBlendFactor: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorRange: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particlePosition: CGPoint var particlePositionRange: CGVector var particleSpeed: CGFloat var particleSpeedRange: CGFloat var emissionAngle: CGFloat var emissionAngleRange: CGFloat var xAcceleration: CGFloat var yAcceleration: CGFloat var particleBirthRate: CGFloat var numParticlesToEmit: Int var particleLifetime: CGFloat var particleLifetimeRange: CGFloat var particleRotation: CGFloat var particleRotationRange: CGFloat var particleRotationSpeed: CGFloat var particleSize: CGSize var particleScale: CGFloat var particleScaleRange: CGFloat var particleScaleSpeed: CGFloat var particleScaleSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particleAlpha: CGFloat var particleAlphaRange: CGFloat var particleAlphaSpeed: CGFloat var particleAlphaSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? @NSCopying var particleAction: SKAction? var fieldBitMask: UInt32 weak var targetNode: SKNode? var shader: SKShader? } |
To | class SKEmitterNode : SKNode { func advanceSimulationTime(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) func resetSimulation() var particleTexture: SKTexture? var particleBlendMode: SKBlendMode var particleColor: UIColor var particleColorRedRange: CGFloat var particleColorGreenRange: CGFloat var particleColorBlueRange: CGFloat var particleColorAlphaRange: CGFloat var particleColorRedSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorGreenSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorBlueSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorAlphaSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particleColorBlendFactor: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorRange: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorSpeed: CGFloat var particleColorBlendFactorSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particlePosition: CGPoint var particlePositionRange: CGVector var particleSpeed: CGFloat var particleSpeedRange: CGFloat var emissionAngle: CGFloat var emissionAngleRange: CGFloat var xAcceleration: CGFloat var yAcceleration: CGFloat var particleBirthRate: CGFloat var numParticlesToEmit: Int var particleLifetime: CGFloat var particleLifetimeRange: CGFloat var particleRotation: CGFloat var particleRotationRange: CGFloat var particleRotationSpeed: CGFloat var particleSize: CGSize var particleScale: CGFloat var particleScaleRange: CGFloat var particleScaleSpeed: CGFloat var particleScaleSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? var particleAlpha: CGFloat var particleAlphaRange: CGFloat var particleAlphaSpeed: CGFloat var particleAlphaSequence: SKKeyframeSequence? @NSCopying var particleAction: SKAction? var fieldBitMask: UInt32 weak var targetNode: SKNode? var shader: SKShader? var particleZPosition: CGFloat var particleRenderOrder: SKParticleRenderOrder var particleZPositionRange: CGFloat var particleZPositionSpeed: CGFloat } |
Modified SKEmitterNode.particleColor
Declaration | |
From | var particleColor: UIColor! |
To | var particleColor: UIColor |
Modified SKEmitterNode.particleZPositionRange
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | iOS 8.0 | -- |
To | iOS 7.0 | iOS 8.0 |
Modified SKEmitterNode.particleZPositionSpeed
Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | iOS 8.0 | -- |
To | iOS 7.0 | iOS 8.0 |
Modified SKFieldNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKFieldNode : SKNode { var region: SKRegion! var strength: Float var falloff: Float var minimumRadius: Float var enabled: Bool var exclusive: Bool var categoryBitMask: UInt32 var smoothness: Float var animationSpeed: Float var texture: SKTexture! class func dragField() -> SKFieldNode class func vortexField() -> SKFieldNode class func radialGravityField() -> SKFieldNode class func velocityFieldWithTexture(_ velocityTexture: SKTexture) -> SKFieldNode class func noiseFieldWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, animationSpeed speed: CGFloat) -> SKFieldNode class func turbulenceFieldWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, animationSpeed speed: CGFloat) -> SKFieldNode class func springField() -> SKFieldNode class func electricField() -> SKFieldNode class func magneticField() -> SKFieldNode } |
To | class SKFieldNode : SKNode { var region: SKRegion? var strength: Float var falloff: Float var minimumRadius: Float var enabled: Bool var exclusive: Bool var categoryBitMask: UInt32 var direction: vector_float3 var smoothness: Float var animationSpeed: Float var texture: SKTexture? class func dragField() -> SKFieldNode class func vortexField() -> SKFieldNode class func radialGravityField() -> SKFieldNode class func linearGravityFieldWithVector(_ direction: vector_float3) -> SKFieldNode class func velocityFieldWithVector(_ direction: vector_float3) -> SKFieldNode class func velocityFieldWithTexture(_ velocityTexture: SKTexture) -> SKFieldNode class func noiseFieldWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, animationSpeed speed: CGFloat) -> SKFieldNode class func turbulenceFieldWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, animationSpeed speed: CGFloat) -> SKFieldNode class func springField() -> SKFieldNode class func electricField() -> SKFieldNode class func magneticField() -> SKFieldNode class func customFieldWithEvaluationBlock(_ block: SKFieldForceEvaluator) -> SKFieldNode } |
Modified SKFieldNode.region
Declaration | |
From | var region: SKRegion! |
To | var region: SKRegion? |
Modified SKFieldNode.texture
Declaration | |
From | var texture: SKTexture! |
To | var texture: SKTexture? |
Modified SKInterpolationMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKKeyframeSequence
Declaration | |
From | class SKKeyframeSequence : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!(keyframeValues values: [AnyObject], times times: [AnyObject]) convenience init(capacity numItems: Int) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) func count() -> Int func addKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, time time: CGFloat) func removeLastKeyframe() func removeKeyframeAtIndex(_ index: Int) func setKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, forIndex index: Int) func setKeyframeTime(_ time: CGFloat, forIndex index: Int) func setKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, time time: CGFloat, forIndex index: Int) func getKeyframeValueForIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject func getKeyframeTimeForIndex(_ index: Int) -> CGFloat func sampleAtTime(_ time: CGFloat) -> AnyObject! var interpolationMode: SKInterpolationMode var repeatMode: SKRepeatMode } |
To | class SKKeyframeSequence : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init(keyframeValues values: [AnyObject], times times: [NSNumber]) convenience init(capacity numItems: Int) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) func count() -> Int func addKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, time time: CGFloat) func removeLastKeyframe() func removeKeyframeAtIndex(_ index: Int) func setKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, forIndex index: Int) func setKeyframeTime(_ time: CGFloat, forIndex index: Int) func setKeyframeValue(_ value: AnyObject, time time: CGFloat, forIndex index: Int) func getKeyframeValueForIndex(_ index: Int) -> AnyObject func getKeyframeTimeForIndex(_ index: Int) -> CGFloat func sampleAtTime(_ time: CGFloat) -> AnyObject? var interpolationMode: SKInterpolationMode var repeatMode: SKRepeatMode } |
Declaration | |
From | init!(keyframeValues values: [AnyObject], times times: [AnyObject]) |
To | init(keyframeValues values: [AnyObject], times times: [NSNumber]) |
Declaration | |
From | func sampleAtTime(_ time: CGFloat) -> AnyObject! |
To | func sampleAtTime(_ time: CGFloat) -> AnyObject? |
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKLabelNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKLabelNode : SKNode { convenience init(text text: String) class func labelNodeWithText(_ text: String) -> Self convenience init!(fontNamed fontName: String!) class func labelNodeWithFontNamed(_ fontName: String!) -> Self! init(fontNamed fontName: String!) var verticalAlignmentMode: SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode var horizontalAlignmentMode: SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode var fontName: String! var text: String var fontSize: CGFloat var fontColor: UIColor var colorBlendFactor: CGFloat var color: UIColor? var blendMode: SKBlendMode } |
To | class SKLabelNode : SKNode { convenience init(text text: String?) class func labelNodeWithText(_ text: String?) -> Self convenience init(fontNamed fontName: String?) class func labelNodeWithFontNamed(_ fontName: String?) -> Self init(fontNamed fontName: String?) var verticalAlignmentMode: SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode var horizontalAlignmentMode: SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode var fontName: String? var text: String? var fontSize: CGFloat var fontColor: UIColor? var colorBlendFactor: CGFloat var color: UIColor? var blendMode: SKBlendMode } |
Modified SKLabelNode.fontColor
Declaration | |
From | var fontColor: UIColor |
To | var fontColor: UIColor? |
Modified SKLabelNode.fontName
Declaration | |
From | var fontName: String! |
To | var fontName: String? |
Modified SKLabelNode.init(fontNamed: String?)
Declaration | |
From | init(fontNamed fontName: String!) |
To | init(fontNamed fontName: String?) |
Modified SKLabelNode.init(text: String?)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(text text: String) |
To | convenience init(text text: String?) |
Modified SKLabelNode.text
Declaration | |
From | var text: String |
To | var text: String? |
Modified SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKLightNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKLightNode : SKNode { var enabled: Bool var lightColor: UIColor var ambientColor: UIColor! var shadowColor: UIColor! var falloff: CGFloat var categoryBitMask: UInt32 } |
To | class SKLightNode : SKNode { var enabled: Bool var lightColor: UIColor var ambientColor: UIColor var shadowColor: UIColor var falloff: CGFloat var categoryBitMask: UInt32 } |
Modified SKLightNode.ambientColor
Declaration | |
From | var ambientColor: UIColor! |
To | var ambientColor: UIColor |
Modified SKLightNode.shadowColor
Declaration | |
From | var shadowColor: UIColor! |
To | var shadowColor: UIColor |
Modified SKNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKNode : UIResponder, NSCopying, NSCoding { init() init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) class func node() -> Self convenience init!(fileNamed filename: String) class func nodeWithFileNamed(_ filename: String) -> Self! var frame: CGRect { get } func calculateAccumulatedFrame() -> CGRect var position: CGPoint var zPosition: CGFloat var zRotation: CGFloat var xScale: CGFloat var yScale: CGFloat var speed: CGFloat var alpha: CGFloat var paused: Bool var hidden: Bool var userInteractionEnabled: Bool var parent: SKNode? { get } var children: [AnyObject] { get } var name: String? var scene: SKScene? { get } var physicsBody: SKPhysicsBody? var userData: NSMutableDictionary? @NSCopying var reachConstraints: SKReachConstraints? var constraints: [AnyObject]? func setScale(_ scale: CGFloat) func addChild(_ node: SKNode) func insertChild(_ node: SKNode!, atIndex index: Int) func removeChildrenInArray(_ nodes: [AnyObject]!) func removeAllChildren() func removeFromParent() func childNodeWithName(_ name: String) -> SKNode? func enumerateChildNodesWithName(_ name: String, usingBlock block: ((SKNode!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) func objectForKeyedSubscript(_ name: String) -> [AnyObject] func inParentHierarchy(_ parent: SKNode) -> Bool func runAction(_ action: SKAction!) func runAction(_ action: SKAction!, completion block: (() -> Void)!) func runAction(_ action: SKAction, withKey key: String!) func hasActions() -> Bool func actionForKey(_ key: String) -> SKAction? func removeActionForKey(_ key: String!) func removeAllActions() func containsPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> Bool func nodeAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> SKNode func nodesAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> [AnyObject] func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, fromNode node: SKNode) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toNode node: SKNode) -> CGPoint func intersectsNode(_ node: SKNode) -> Bool func isEqualToNode(_ node: SKNode!) -> Bool } extension SKNode { subscript (name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } } extension SKNode { subscript (name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } } |
To | class SKNode : UIResponder, NSCopying, NSCoding { init() init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) class func node() -> Self convenience init?(fileNamed filename: String) class func nodeWithFileNamed(_ filename: String) -> Self? var frame: CGRect { get } func calculateAccumulatedFrame() -> CGRect var position: CGPoint var zPosition: CGFloat var zRotation: CGFloat var xScale: CGFloat var yScale: CGFloat var speed: CGFloat var alpha: CGFloat var paused: Bool var hidden: Bool var userInteractionEnabled: Bool var parent: SKNode? { get } var children: [SKNode] { get } var name: String? var scene: SKScene? { get } var physicsBody: SKPhysicsBody? var userData: NSMutableDictionary? @NSCopying var reachConstraints: SKReachConstraints? var constraints: [SKConstraint]? func setScale(_ scale: CGFloat) func addChild(_ node: SKNode) func insertChild(_ node: SKNode, atIndex index: Int) func removeChildrenInArray(_ nodes: [SKNode]) func removeAllChildren() func removeFromParent() func moveToParent(_ parent: SKNode) func childNodeWithName(_ name: String) -> SKNode? func enumerateChildNodesWithName(_ name: String, usingBlock block: (SKNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func objectForKeyedSubscript(_ name: String) -> [SKNode] func inParentHierarchy(_ parent: SKNode) -> Bool func runAction(_ action: SKAction) func runAction(_ action: SKAction, completion block: () -> Void) func runAction(_ action: SKAction, withKey key: String) func hasActions() -> Bool func actionForKey(_ key: String) -> SKAction? func removeActionForKey(_ key: String) func removeAllActions() func containsPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> Bool func nodeAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> SKNode func nodesAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> [SKNode] func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, fromNode node: SKNode) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toNode node: SKNode) -> CGPoint func intersectsNode(_ node: SKNode) -> Bool func isEqualToNode(_ node: SKNode) -> Bool class func obstaclesFromSpriteTextures(_ sprites: [SKNode], accuracy accuracy: Float) -> [GKPolygonObstacle] class func obstaclesFromNodeBounds(_ nodes: [SKNode]) -> [GKPolygonObstacle] class func obstaclesFromNodePhysicsBodies(_ nodes: [SKNode]) -> [GKPolygonObstacle] } extension SKNode { subscript (_ name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } } extension SKNode { subscript (_ name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } } |
Modified SKNode.children
Declaration | |
From | var children: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var children: [SKNode] { get } |
Modified SKNode.constraints
Declaration | |
From | var constraints: [AnyObject]? |
To | var constraints: [SKConstraint]? |
Declaration | |
From | func enumerateChildNodesWithName(_ name: String, usingBlock block: ((SKNode!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func enumerateChildNodesWithName(_ name: String, usingBlock block: (SKNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) |
Modified SKNode.init(fileNamed: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(fileNamed filename: String) |
To | convenience init?(fileNamed filename: String) |
Declaration | |
From | func insertChild(_ node: SKNode!, atIndex index: Int) |
To | func insertChild(_ node: SKNode, atIndex index: Int) |
Declaration | |
From | func isEqualToNode(_ node: SKNode!) -> Bool |
To | func isEqualToNode(_ node: SKNode) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func nodesAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> [AnyObject] |
To | func nodesAtPoint(_ p: CGPoint) -> [SKNode] |
Modified SKNode.removeActionForKey(_: String)
Declaration | |
From | func removeActionForKey(_ key: String!) |
To | func removeActionForKey(_ key: String) |
Declaration | |
From | func removeChildrenInArray(_ nodes: [AnyObject]!) |
To | func removeChildrenInArray(_ nodes: [SKNode]) |
Modified SKNode.runAction(_: SKAction)
Declaration | |
From | func runAction(_ action: SKAction!) |
To | func runAction(_ action: SKAction) |
Declaration | |
From | func runAction(_ action: SKAction!, completion block: (() -> Void)!) |
To | func runAction(_ action: SKAction, completion block: () -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func runAction(_ action: SKAction, withKey key: String!) |
To | func runAction(_ action: SKAction, withKey key: String) |
Modified SKNode.subscript(_: String) -> [SKNode]
Declaration | |
From | subscript (name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } |
To | subscript (_ name: String) -> [SKNode] { get } |
Modified SKPhysicsBody
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsBody : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithCircleOfRadius(_ r: CGFloat) -> SKPhysicsBody init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithCircleOfRadius(_ r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody init!(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithRectangleOfSize(_ s: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody! init!(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithRectangleOfSize(_ s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody! init!(polygonFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithPolygonFromPath(_ path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody! init(edgeFromPoint p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithEdgeFromPoint(_ p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeChainFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithEdgeChainFromPath(_ path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeLoopFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithEdgeLoopFromPath(_ path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeLoopFromRect rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithEdgeLoopFromRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody init!(texture texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody! init!(texture texture: SKTexture!, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture!, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody! init(bodies bodies: [AnyObject]) -> SKPhysicsBody class func bodyWithBodies(_ bodies: [AnyObject]) -> SKPhysicsBody var dynamic: Bool var usesPreciseCollisionDetection: Bool var allowsRotation: Bool var pinned: Bool var resting: Bool var friction: CGFloat var charge: CGFloat var restitution: CGFloat var linearDamping: CGFloat var angularDamping: CGFloat var density: CGFloat var mass: CGFloat var area: CGFloat { get } var affectedByGravity: Bool var fieldBitMask: UInt32 var categoryBitMask: UInt32 var collisionBitMask: UInt32 var contactTestBitMask: UInt32 var joints: [AnyObject] { get } weak var node: SKNode? { get } var velocity: CGVector var angularVelocity: CGFloat func applyForce(_ force: CGVector) func applyForce(_ force: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint) func applyTorque(_ torque: CGFloat) func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector) func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint) func applyAngularImpulse(_ impulse: CGFloat) func allContactedBodies() -> [AnyObject] } |
To | class SKPhysicsBody : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat) class func bodyWithCircleOfRadius(_ r: CGFloat) -> SKPhysicsBody init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) class func bodyWithCircleOfRadius(_ r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody init(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize) class func bodyWithRectangleOfSize(_ s: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody init(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) class func bodyWithRectangleOfSize(_ s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody init(polygonFromPath path: CGPath) class func bodyWithPolygonFromPath(_ path: CGPath) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeFromPoint p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) class func bodyWithEdgeFromPoint(_ p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeChainFromPath path: CGPath) class func bodyWithEdgeChainFromPath(_ path: CGPath) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeLoopFromPath path: CGPath) class func bodyWithEdgeLoopFromPath(_ path: CGPath) -> SKPhysicsBody init(edgeLoopFromRect rect: CGRect) class func bodyWithEdgeLoopFromRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody init(texture texture: SKTexture, size size: CGSize) class func bodyWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody init(texture texture: SKTexture, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) class func bodyWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody init(bodies bodies: [SKPhysicsBody]) class func bodyWithBodies(_ bodies: [SKPhysicsBody]) -> SKPhysicsBody var dynamic: Bool var usesPreciseCollisionDetection: Bool var allowsRotation: Bool var pinned: Bool var resting: Bool var friction: CGFloat var charge: CGFloat var restitution: CGFloat var linearDamping: CGFloat var angularDamping: CGFloat var density: CGFloat var mass: CGFloat var area: CGFloat { get } var affectedByGravity: Bool var fieldBitMask: UInt32 var categoryBitMask: UInt32 var collisionBitMask: UInt32 var contactTestBitMask: UInt32 var joints: [SKPhysicsJoint] { get } weak var node: SKNode? { get } var velocity: CGVector var angularVelocity: CGFloat func applyForce(_ force: CGVector) func applyForce(_ force: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint) func applyTorque(_ torque: CGFloat) func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector) func applyImpulse(_ impulse: CGVector, atPoint point: CGPoint) func applyAngularImpulse(_ impulse: CGFloat) func allContactedBodies() -> [SKPhysicsBody] } |
Declaration | |
From | func allContactedBodies() -> [AnyObject] |
To | func allContactedBodies() -> [SKPhysicsBody] |
Declaration | |
From | init(bodies bodies: [AnyObject]) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(bodies bodies: [SKPhysicsBody]) |
Declaration | |
From | init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat) |
Declaration | |
From | init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(circleOfRadius r: CGFloat, center center: CGPoint) |
Declaration | |
From | init(edgeChainFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(edgeChainFromPath path: CGPath) |
Declaration | |
From | init(edgeFromPoint p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(edgeFromPoint p1: CGPoint, toPoint p2: CGPoint) |
Declaration | |
From | init(edgeLoopFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(edgeLoopFromPath path: CGPath) |
Declaration | |
From | init(edgeLoopFromRect rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(edgeLoopFromRect rect: CGRect) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(polygonFromPath path: CGPath!) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(polygonFromPath path: CGPath) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(rectangleOfSize s: CGSize, center center: CGPoint) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(texture texture: SKTexture!, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(texture texture: SKTexture, alphaThreshold alphaThreshold: Float, size size: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(texture texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) -> SKPhysicsBody |
To | init(texture texture: SKTexture, size size: CGSize) |
Modified SKPhysicsBody.joints
Declaration | |
From | var joints: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var joints: [SKPhysicsJoint] { get } |
Modified SKPhysicsContact
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsContact : NSObject { var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody! { get } var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody! { get } var contactPoint: CGPoint { get } var contactNormal: CGVector { get } var collisionImpulse: CGFloat { get } } |
To | class SKPhysicsContact : NSObject { var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody { get } var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody { get } var contactPoint: CGPoint { get } var contactNormal: CGVector { get } var collisionImpulse: CGFloat { get } } |
Modified SKPhysicsContact.bodyA
Declaration | |
From | var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody! { get } |
To | var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody { get } |
Modified SKPhysicsContact.bodyB
Declaration | |
From | var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody! { get } |
To | var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody { get } |
Modified SKPhysicsJoint
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJoint : NSObject, NSCoding { var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody! var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody! var reactionForce: CGVector { get } var reactionTorque: CGFloat { get } } |
To | class SKPhysicsJoint : NSObject, NSCoding { var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody var reactionForce: CGVector { get } var reactionTorque: CGFloat { get } } |
Modified SKPhysicsJoint.bodyA
Declaration | |
From | var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody! |
To | var bodyA: SKPhysicsBody |
Modified SKPhysicsJoint.bodyB
Declaration | |
From | var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody! |
To | var bodyB: SKPhysicsBody |
Modified SKPhysicsJointFixed
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJointFixed : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointFixed! } |
To | class SKPhysicsJointFixed : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointFixed } |
Declaration | |
From | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointFixed! |
To | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointFixed |
Modified SKPhysicsJointLimit
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJointLimit : SKPhysicsJoint { var maxLength: CGFloat class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointLimit! } |
To | class SKPhysicsJointLimit : SKPhysicsJoint { var maxLength: CGFloat class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointLimit } |
Declaration | |
From | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointLimit! |
To | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointLimit |
Modified SKPhysicsJointPin
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJointPin : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointPin! var shouldEnableLimits: Bool var lowerAngleLimit: CGFloat var upperAngleLimit: CGFloat var frictionTorque: CGFloat var rotationSpeed: CGFloat } |
To | class SKPhysicsJointPin : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointPin var shouldEnableLimits: Bool var lowerAngleLimit: CGFloat var upperAngleLimit: CGFloat var frictionTorque: CGFloat var rotationSpeed: CGFloat } |
Declaration | |
From | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointPin! |
To | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointPin |
Modified SKPhysicsJointSliding
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJointSliding : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint, axis axis: CGVector) -> SKPhysicsJointSliding! var shouldEnableLimits: Bool var lowerDistanceLimit: CGFloat var upperDistanceLimit: CGFloat } |
To | class SKPhysicsJointSliding : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint, axis axis: CGVector) -> SKPhysicsJointSliding var shouldEnableLimits: Bool var lowerDistanceLimit: CGFloat var upperDistanceLimit: CGFloat } |
Declaration | |
From | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchor anchor: CGPoint, axis axis: CGVector) -> SKPhysicsJointSliding! |
To | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchor anchor: CGPoint, axis axis: CGVector) -> SKPhysicsJointSliding |
Modified SKPhysicsJointSpring
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsJointSpring : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointSpring! var damping: CGFloat var frequency: CGFloat } |
To | class SKPhysicsJointSpring : SKPhysicsJoint { class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointSpring var damping: CGFloat var frequency: CGFloat } |
Declaration | |
From | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody!, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody!, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointSpring! |
To | class func jointWithBodyA(_ bodyA: SKPhysicsBody, bodyB bodyB: SKPhysicsBody, anchorA anchorA: CGPoint, anchorB anchorB: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsJointSpring |
Modified SKPhysicsWorld
Declaration | |
From | class SKPhysicsWorld : NSObject, NSCoding { var gravity: CGVector var speed: CGFloat unowned(unsafe) var contactDelegate: SKPhysicsContactDelegate! func addJoint(_ joint: SKPhysicsJoint) func removeJoint(_ joint: SKPhysicsJoint) func removeAllJoints() func bodyAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody? func bodyInRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody? func bodyAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody? func enumerateBodiesAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) func enumerateBodiesInRect(_ rect: CGRect, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) func enumerateBodiesAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, CGPoint, CGVector, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) } |
To | class SKPhysicsWorld : NSObject, NSCoding { var gravity: CGVector var speed: CGFloat unowned(unsafe) var contactDelegate: SKPhysicsContactDelegate? func addJoint(_ joint: SKPhysicsJoint) func removeJoint(_ joint: SKPhysicsJoint) func removeAllJoints() func sampleFieldsAt(_ position: vector_float3) -> vector_float3 func bodyAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody? func bodyInRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> SKPhysicsBody? func bodyAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint) -> SKPhysicsBody? func enumerateBodiesAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func enumerateBodiesInRect(_ rect: CGRect, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func enumerateBodiesAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, CGPoint, CGVector, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) } |
Modified SKPhysicsWorld.contactDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var contactDelegate: SKPhysicsContactDelegate! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var contactDelegate: SKPhysicsContactDelegate? |
Declaration | |
From | func enumerateBodiesAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, CGPoint, CGVector, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func enumerateBodiesAlongRayStart(_ start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, CGPoint, CGVector, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func enumerateBodiesAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func enumerateBodiesAtPoint(_ point: CGPoint, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func enumerateBodiesInRect(_ rect: CGRect, usingBlock block: ((SKPhysicsBody!, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)!) |
To | func enumerateBodiesInRect(_ rect: CGRect, usingBlock block: (SKPhysicsBody, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) |
Modified SKRegion
Declaration | |
From | class SKRegion : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { var path: CGPath? { get } class func infiniteRegion() -> Self init(radius radius: Float) init(size size: CGSize) init(path path: CGPath!) func inverseRegion() -> Self func regionByUnionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion!) -> Self! func regionByDifferenceFromRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self func regionByIntersectionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion!) -> Self! func containsPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool } |
To | class SKRegion : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { var path: CGPath? { get } class func infiniteRegion() -> Self init(radius radius: Float) init(size size: CGSize) init(path path: CGPath) func inverseRegion() -> Self func regionByUnionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self func regionByDifferenceFromRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self func regionByIntersectionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self func containsPoint(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool } |
Modified SKRegion.init(path: CGPath)
Declaration | |
From | init(path path: CGPath!) |
To | init(path path: CGPath) |
Declaration | |
From | func regionByIntersectionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion!) -> Self! |
To | func regionByIntersectionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self |
Declaration | |
From | func regionByUnionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion!) -> Self! |
To | func regionByUnionWithRegion(_ region: SKRegion) -> Self |
Modified SKRepeatMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKScene
Declaration | |
From | class SKScene : SKEffectNode { init(size size: CGSize) class func sceneWithSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self var size: CGSize var scaleMode: SKSceneScaleMode var backgroundColor: UIColor unowned(unsafe) var delegate: SKSceneDelegate? var anchorPoint: CGPoint var physicsWorld: SKPhysicsWorld { get } func convertPointFromView(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertPointToView(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint weak var view: SKView? { get } func update(_ currentTime: NSTimeInterval) func didEvaluateActions() func didSimulatePhysics() func didApplyConstraints() func didFinishUpdate() func didMoveToView(_ view: SKView) func willMoveFromView(_ view: SKView) func didChangeSize(_ oldSize: CGSize) } |
To | class SKScene : SKEffectNode { init(size size: CGSize) class func sceneWithSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self var size: CGSize var scaleMode: SKSceneScaleMode weak var camera: SKCameraNode? weak var listener: SKNode? var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine { get } var backgroundColor: UIColor unowned(unsafe) var delegate: SKSceneDelegate? var anchorPoint: CGPoint var physicsWorld: SKPhysicsWorld { get } func convertPointFromView(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertPointToView(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint weak var view: SKView? { get } func update(_ currentTime: NSTimeInterval) func didEvaluateActions() func didSimulatePhysics() func didApplyConstraints() func didFinishUpdate() func didMoveToView(_ view: SKView) func willMoveFromView(_ view: SKView) func didChangeSize(_ oldSize: CGSize) } |
Modified SKSceneScaleMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKShader
Declaration | |
From | class SKShader : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { init(source source: String!) init(source source: String!, uniforms uniforms: [AnyObject]!) convenience init!() class func shader() -> Self! class func shaderWithSource(_ source: String!) -> Self class func shaderWithSource(_ source: String!, uniforms uniforms: [AnyObject]!) -> Self convenience init!(fileNamed name: String) class func shaderWithFileNamed(_ name: String) -> Self! var source: String! var uniforms: [AnyObject] func addUniform(_ uniform: SKUniform) func uniformNamed(_ name: String) -> SKUniform? func removeUniformNamed(_ name: String) } |
To | class SKShader : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { init(source source: String) init(source source: String, uniforms uniforms: [SKUniform]) convenience init() class func shader() -> Self class func shaderWithSource(_ source: String) -> Self class func shaderWithSource(_ source: String, uniforms uniforms: [SKUniform]) -> Self convenience init(fileNamed name: String) class func shaderWithFileNamed(_ name: String) -> Self var source: String? var uniforms: [SKUniform] func addUniform(_ uniform: SKUniform) func uniformNamed(_ name: String) -> SKUniform? func removeUniformNamed(_ name: String) } |
Modified SKShader.init(fileNamed: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(fileNamed name: String) |
To | convenience init(fileNamed name: String) |
Modified SKShader.init(source: String)
Declaration | |
From | init(source source: String!) |
To | init(source source: String) |
Declaration | |
From | init(source source: String!, uniforms uniforms: [AnyObject]!) |
To | init(source source: String, uniforms uniforms: [SKUniform]) |
Modified SKShader.source
Declaration | |
From | var source: String! |
To | var source: String? |
Modified SKShader.uniforms
Declaration | |
From | var uniforms: [AnyObject] |
To | var uniforms: [SKUniform] |
Modified SKShapeNode
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class SKShapeNode : SKNode { convenience init(path path: CGPath!) class func shapeNodeWithPath(_ path: CGPath!) -> Self convenience init(path path: CGPath!, centered centered: Bool) class func shapeNodeWithPath(_ path: CGPath!, centered centered: Bool) -> Self convenience init(rect rect: CGRect) class func shapeNodeWithRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> Self convenience init(rectOfSize size: CGSize) class func shapeNodeWithRectOfSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(rect rect: CGRect, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(rectOfSize size: CGSize, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithRectOfSize(_ size: CGSize, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(circleOfRadius radius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithCircleOfRadius(_ radius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(ellipseInRect rect: CGRect) class func shapeNodeWithEllipseInRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> Self convenience init(ellipseOfSize size: CGSize) class func shapeNodeWithEllipseOfSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) class func shapeNodeWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) -> Self convenience init(splinePoints points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) class func shapeNodeWithSplinePoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) -> Self var path: CGPath! var strokeColor: UIColor var fillColor: UIColor var blendMode: SKBlendMode var antialiased: Bool var lineWidth: CGFloat var glowWidth: CGFloat var lineCap: CGLineCap var lineJoin: CGLineJoin var miterLimit: CGFloat var lineLength: CGFloat { get } var fillTexture: SKTexture? var fillShader: SKShader? var strokeTexture: SKTexture? var strokeShader: SKShader? } extension SKShapeNode : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } extension SKShapeNode : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } | AnyObject, Reflectable |
To | class SKShapeNode : SKNode { convenience init(path path: CGPath) class func shapeNodeWithPath(_ path: CGPath) -> Self convenience init(path path: CGPath, centered centered: Bool) class func shapeNodeWithPath(_ path: CGPath, centered centered: Bool) -> Self convenience init(rect rect: CGRect) class func shapeNodeWithRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> Self convenience init(rectOfSize size: CGSize) class func shapeNodeWithRectOfSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(rect rect: CGRect, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(rectOfSize size: CGSize, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithRectOfSize(_ size: CGSize, cornerRadius cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(circleOfRadius radius: CGFloat) class func shapeNodeWithCircleOfRadius(_ radius: CGFloat) -> Self convenience init(ellipseInRect rect: CGRect) class func shapeNodeWithEllipseInRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> Self convenience init(ellipseOfSize size: CGSize) class func shapeNodeWithEllipseOfSize(_ size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(points points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) class func shapeNodeWithPoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) -> Self convenience init(splinePoints points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) class func shapeNodeWithSplinePoints(_ points: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>, count numPoints: Int) -> Self var path: CGPath? var strokeColor: UIColor var fillColor: UIColor var blendMode: SKBlendMode var antialiased: Bool var lineWidth: CGFloat var glowWidth: CGFloat var lineCap: CGLineCap var lineJoin: CGLineJoin var miterLimit: CGFloat var lineLength: CGFloat { get } var fillTexture: SKTexture? var fillShader: SKShader? var strokeTexture: SKTexture? var strokeShader: SKShader? } extension SKShapeNode : _Reflectable { } extension SKShapeNode : _Reflectable { } | AnyObject |
Modified SKShapeNode.init(path: CGPath)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(path path: CGPath!) |
To | convenience init(path path: CGPath) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(path path: CGPath!, centered centered: Bool) |
To | convenience init(path path: CGPath, centered centered: Bool) |
Modified SKShapeNode.path
Declaration | |
From | var path: CGPath! |
To | var path: CGPath? |
Modified SKSpriteNode
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class SKSpriteNode : SKNode { convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init!(texture texture: SKTexture!) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture!) -> Self! convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture!, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) -> Self convenience init(imageNamed name: String) class func spriteNodeWithImageNamed(_ name: String) -> Self convenience init(imageNamed name: String, normalMapped generateNormalMap: Bool) class func spriteNodeWithImageNamed(_ name: String, normalMapped generateNormalMap: Bool) -> Self convenience init!(color color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) class func spriteNodeWithColor(_ color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) -> Self! init(texture texture: SKTexture!, color color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!) convenience init(imageNamed name: String) convenience init(color color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) var texture: SKTexture? var normalTexture: SKTexture? var lightingBitMask: UInt32 var shadowCastBitMask: UInt32 var shadowedBitMask: UInt32 var centerRect: CGRect var colorBlendFactor: CGFloat var color: UIColor var blendMode: SKBlendMode var anchorPoint: CGPoint var size: CGSize var shader: SKShader? } extension SKSpriteNode : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } extension SKSpriteNode : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } | AnyObject, Reflectable |
To | class SKSpriteNode : SKNode { convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?, size size: CGSize) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture?, size size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture?) -> Self convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) class func spriteNodeWithTexture(_ texture: SKTexture?, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) -> Self convenience init(imageNamed name: String) class func spriteNodeWithImageNamed(_ name: String) -> Self convenience init(imageNamed name: String, normalMapped generateNormalMap: Bool) class func spriteNodeWithImageNamed(_ name: String, normalMapped generateNormalMap: Bool) -> Self convenience init(color color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) class func spriteNodeWithColor(_ color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) -> Self init(texture texture: SKTexture?, color color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?) convenience init(imageNamed name: String) convenience init(color color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) var texture: SKTexture? var normalTexture: SKTexture? var lightingBitMask: UInt32 var shadowCastBitMask: UInt32 var shadowedBitMask: UInt32 var centerRect: CGRect var colorBlendFactor: CGFloat var color: UIColor var blendMode: SKBlendMode var anchorPoint: CGPoint var size: CGSize var shader: SKShader? } extension SKSpriteNode : _Reflectable { } extension SKSpriteNode : _Reflectable { } | AnyObject |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(color color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) |
To | convenience init(color color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!) |
To | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?) |
Declaration | |
From | init(texture texture: SKTexture!, color color: UIColor!, size size: CGSize) |
To | init(texture texture: SKTexture?, color color: UIColor, size size: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) |
To | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?, normalMap normalMap: SKTexture?) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture!, size size: CGSize) |
To | convenience init(texture texture: SKTexture?, size size: CGSize) |
Modified SKTexture
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class SKTexture : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { convenience init!(imageNamed name: String) class func textureWithImageNamed(_ name: String) -> Self! convenience init(rect rect: CGRect, inTexture texture: SKTexture) class func textureWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, inTexture texture: SKTexture) -> Self convenience init!(vectorNoiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) class func textureVectorNoiseWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) -> Self! convenience init!(noiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) class func textureNoiseWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) -> Self! convenience init(CGImage image: CGImage!) class func textureWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage!) -> Self convenience init(image image: UIImage) class func textureWithImage(_ image: UIImage) -> Self convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize) -> Self! convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Self! convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) -> Self! func textureByApplyingCIFilter(_ filter: CIFilter) -> Self func textureByGeneratingNormalMap() -> Self! func textureByGeneratingNormalMapWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, contrast contrast: CGFloat) -> Self! func textureRect() -> CGRect func size() -> CGSize var filteringMode: SKTextureFilteringMode var usesMipmaps: Bool class func preloadTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject]!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) } extension SKTexture : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } extension SKTexture : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying, Reflectable |
To | class SKTexture : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { convenience init(imageNamed name: String) class func textureWithImageNamed(_ name: String) -> Self convenience init(rect rect: CGRect, inTexture texture: SKTexture) class func textureWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, inTexture texture: SKTexture) -> Self convenience init(vectorNoiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) class func textureVectorNoiseWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(noiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) class func textureNoiseWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) -> Self convenience init(CGImage image: CGImage) class func textureWithCGImage(_ image: CGImage) -> Self convenience init(image image: UIImage) class func textureWithImage(_ image: UIImage) -> Self convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize) -> Self convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) -> Self convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) class func textureWithData(_ pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) -> Self func textureByApplyingCIFilter(_ filter: CIFilter) -> Self func textureByGeneratingNormalMap() -> Self func textureByGeneratingNormalMapWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, contrast contrast: CGFloat) -> Self func textureRect() -> CGRect func size() -> CGSize var filteringMode: SKTextureFilteringMode var usesMipmaps: Bool var CGImage: CGImage { get } class func preloadTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], withCompletionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: () -> Void) } extension SKTexture : _Reflectable { } extension SKTexture : _Reflectable { } | AnyObject, NSCoding, NSCopying |
Modified SKTexture.init(CGImage: CGImage)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init(CGImage image: CGImage!) |
To | convenience init(CGImage image: CGImage) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize) |
To | convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) |
To | convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, flipped flipped: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(data pixelData: NSData!, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) |
To | convenience init(data pixelData: NSData, size size: CGSize, rowLength rowLength: UInt32, alignment alignment: UInt32) |
Modified SKTexture.init(imageNamed: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(imageNamed name: String) |
To | convenience init(imageNamed name: String) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(noiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) |
To | convenience init(noiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize, grayscale grayscale: Bool) |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(vectorNoiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) |
To | convenience init(vectorNoiseWithSmoothness smoothness: CGFloat, size size: CGSize) |
Declaration | |
From | class func preloadTextures(_ textures: [AnyObject]!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) |
To | class func preloadTextures(_ textures: [SKTexture], withCompletionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) |
To | func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: () -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func textureByGeneratingNormalMap() -> Self! |
To | func textureByGeneratingNormalMap() -> Self |
Modified SKTexture.textureByGeneratingNormalMapWithSmoothness(_: CGFloat, contrast: CGFloat) -> Self
Declaration | |
From | func textureByGeneratingNormalMapWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, contrast contrast: CGFloat) -> Self! |
To | func textureByGeneratingNormalMapWithSmoothness(_ smoothness: CGFloat, contrast contrast: CGFloat) -> Self |
Modified SKTextureAtlas
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class SKTextureAtlas : NSObject, NSCoding { convenience init!(named name: String) class func atlasNamed(_ name: String) -> Self! convenience init!(dictionary properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]) class func atlasWithDictionary(_ properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]) -> Self! func textureNamed(_ name: String) -> SKTexture! class func preloadTextureAtlases(_ textureAtlases: [AnyObject]!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: () -> Void) var textureNames: [AnyObject] { get } } extension SKTextureAtlas : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } extension SKTextureAtlas : Reflectable { func getMirror() -> MirrorType } | AnyObject, NSCoding, Reflectable |
To | class SKTextureAtlas : NSObject, NSCoding { convenience init(named name: String) class func atlasNamed(_ name: String) -> Self convenience init(dictionary properties: [String : AnyObject]) class func atlasWithDictionary(_ properties: [String : AnyObject]) -> Self func textureNamed(_ name: String) -> SKTexture class func preloadTextureAtlases(_ textureAtlases: [SKTextureAtlas], withCompletionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) class func preloadTextureAtlasesNamed(_ atlasNames: [String], withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (NSError?, [SKTextureAtlas]) -> Void) func preloadWithCompletionHandler(_ completionHandler: () -> Void) var textureNames: [String] { get } } extension SKTextureAtlas : _Reflectable { } extension SKTextureAtlas : _Reflectable { } | AnyObject, NSCoding |
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(dictionary properties: [NSObject : AnyObject]) |
To | convenience init(dictionary properties: [String : AnyObject]) |
Modified SKTextureAtlas.init(named: String)
Declaration | |
From | convenience init!(named name: String) |
To | convenience init(named name: String) |
Modified SKTextureAtlas.preloadTextureAtlases(_: [SKTextureAtlas], withCompletionHandler: () -> Void) [class]
Declaration | |
From | class func preloadTextureAtlases(_ textureAtlases: [AnyObject]!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (() -> Void)!) |
To | class func preloadTextureAtlases(_ textureAtlases: [SKTextureAtlas], withCompletionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) |
Declaration | |
From | func textureNamed(_ name: String) -> SKTexture! |
To | func textureNamed(_ name: String) -> SKTexture |
Modified SKTextureAtlas.textureNames
Declaration | |
From | var textureNames: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var textureNames: [String] { get } |
Modified SKTextureFilteringMode [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKTransition
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class SKTransition : NSObject { class func crossFadeWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func fadeWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func fadeWithColor(_ color: UIColor, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func flipHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func flipVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func revealWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func moveInWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func pushWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsOpenHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsOpenVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsCloseHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsCloseVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorwayWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition init(CIFilter filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func transitionWithCIFilter(_ filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition var pausesIncomingScene: Bool var pausesOutgoingScene: Bool } | AnyObject |
To | class SKTransition : NSObject, NSCopying { class func crossFadeWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func fadeWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func fadeWithColor(_ color: UIColor, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func flipHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func flipVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func revealWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func moveInWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func pushWithDirection(_ direction: SKTransitionDirection, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsOpenHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsOpenVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsCloseHorizontalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorsCloseVerticalWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition class func doorwayWithDuration(_ sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition init(CIFilter filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) class func transitionWithCIFilter(_ filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition var pausesIncomingScene: Bool var pausesOutgoingScene: Bool } | AnyObject, NSCopying |
Declaration | |
From | init(CIFilter filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) -> SKTransition |
To | init(CIFilter filter: CIFilter, duration sec: NSTimeInterval) |
Modified SKTransitionDirection [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKUniform
Declaration | |
From | class SKUniform : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { convenience init!(name name: String!) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, texture texture: SKTexture!) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, texture texture: SKTexture!) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, float value: Float) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, float value: Float) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) -> Self! convenience init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String!, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) -> Self! var name: String { get } var uniformType: SKUniformType { get } var textureValue: SKTexture! var floatValue: Float var floatVector2Value: GLKVector2 var floatVector3Value: GLKVector3 var floatVector4Value: GLKVector4 var floatMatrix2Value: GLKMatrix2 var floatMatrix3Value: GLKMatrix3 var floatMatrix4Value: GLKMatrix4 init!(name name: String!) init!(name name: String!, texture texture: SKTexture!) init!(name name: String!, float value: Float) init!(name name: String!, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) init!(name name: String!, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) init!(name name: String!, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) } |
To | class SKUniform : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding { convenience init(name name: String) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, texture texture: SKTexture) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, texture texture: SKTexture) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, float value: Float) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, float value: Float) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) -> Self convenience init(name name: String, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) class func uniformWithName(_ name: String, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) -> Self var name: String { get } var uniformType: SKUniformType { get } var textureValue: SKTexture? var floatValue: Float var floatVector2Value: GLKVector2 var floatVector3Value: GLKVector3 var floatVector4Value: GLKVector4 var floatMatrix2Value: GLKMatrix2 var floatMatrix3Value: GLKMatrix3 var floatMatrix4Value: GLKMatrix4 init(name name: String) init(name name: String, texture texture: SKTexture?) init(name name: String, float value: Float) init(name name: String, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) init(name name: String, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) init(name name: String, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) init(name name: String, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) init(name name: String, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) init(name name: String, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) } |
Modified SKUniform.init(name: String)
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!) |
To | init(name name: String) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, float value: Float) |
To | init(name name: String, float value: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) |
To | init(name name: String, floatMatrix2 value: GLKMatrix2) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) |
To | init(name name: String, floatMatrix3 value: GLKMatrix3) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) |
To | init(name name: String, floatMatrix4 value: GLKMatrix4) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) |
To | init(name name: String, floatVector2 value: GLKVector2) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) |
To | init(name name: String, floatVector3 value: GLKVector3) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) |
To | init(name name: String, floatVector4 value: GLKVector4) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, texture texture: SKTexture!) |
To | init(name name: String, texture texture: SKTexture?) |
Modified SKUniform.textureValue
Declaration | |
From | var textureValue: SKTexture! |
To | var textureValue: SKTexture? |
Modified SKUniformType [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified SKVideoNode
Declaration | |
From | class SKVideoNode : SKNode { init!(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer!) -> SKVideoNode class func videoNodeWithAVPlayer(_ player: AVPlayer!) -> SKVideoNode! init!(videoFileNamed videoFile: String!) -> SKVideoNode class func videoNodeWithVideoFileNamed(_ videoFile: String!) -> SKVideoNode! init!(videoURL videoURL: NSURL!) -> SKVideoNode class func videoNodeWithVideoURL(_ videoURL: NSURL!) -> SKVideoNode! init!(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer!) init!(videoFileNamed videoFile: String) init!(videoURL url: NSURL) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) func play() func pause() var size: CGSize var anchorPoint: CGPoint } |
To | class SKVideoNode : SKNode { init(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer) class func videoNodeWithAVPlayer(_ player: AVPlayer) -> SKVideoNode init(videoFileNamed videoFile: String) class func videoNodeWithVideoFileNamed(_ videoFile: String) -> SKVideoNode init(fileNamed videoFile: String) class func videoNodeWithFileNamed(_ videoFile: String) -> SKVideoNode init(videoURL videoURL: NSURL) class func videoNodeWithVideoURL(_ videoURL: NSURL) -> SKVideoNode init(URL videoURL: NSURL) class func videoNodeWithURL(_ videoURL: NSURL) -> SKVideoNode init(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer) init(videoFileNamed videoFile: String) init(fileNamed videoFile: String) init(videoURL url: NSURL) init(URL url: NSURL) init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) func play() func pause() var size: CGSize var anchorPoint: CGPoint } |
Modified SKVideoNode.init(AVPlayer: AVPlayer)
Declaration | |
From | init!(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer!) |
To | init(AVPlayer player: AVPlayer) |
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | init!(videoFileNamed videoFile: String) | iOS 8.0 | -- |
To | init(videoFileNamed videoFile: String) | iOS 7.0 | iOS 8.0 |
Modified SKVideoNode.init(videoURL: NSURL)
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | init!(videoURL url: NSURL) | iOS 8.0 | -- |
To | init(videoURL url: NSURL) | iOS 7.0 | iOS 8.0 |
Modified SKView
Declaration | |
From | class SKView : UIView { var paused: Bool var showsFPS: Bool var showsDrawCount: Bool var showsNodeCount: Bool var showsQuadCount: Bool var showsPhysics: Bool var showsFields: Bool var asynchronous: Bool var allowsTransparency: Bool var ignoresSiblingOrder: Bool var shouldCullNonVisibleNodes: Bool var frameInterval: Int func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene?) func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene?, transition transition: SKTransition?) var scene: SKScene? { get } func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode) -> SKTexture! func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode, crop crop: CGRect) -> SKTexture! func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toScene scene: SKScene) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, fromScene scene: SKScene) -> CGPoint } |
To | class SKView : UIView { var paused: Bool var showsFPS: Bool var showsDrawCount: Bool var showsNodeCount: Bool var showsQuadCount: Bool var showsPhysics: Bool var showsFields: Bool var asynchronous: Bool var allowsTransparency: Bool var ignoresSiblingOrder: Bool var shouldCullNonVisibleNodes: Bool var frameInterval: Int func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene?) func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene, transition transition: SKTransition) var scene: SKScene? { get } func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode) -> SKTexture? func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode, crop crop: CGRect) -> SKTexture? func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, toScene scene: SKScene) -> CGPoint func convertPoint(_ point: CGPoint, fromScene scene: SKScene) -> CGPoint } |
Declaration | |
From | func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene?, transition transition: SKTransition?) |
To | func presentScene(_ scene: SKScene, transition transition: SKTransition) |
Declaration | |
From | func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode) -> SKTexture! |
To | func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode) -> SKTexture? |
Declaration | |
From | func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode, crop crop: CGRect) -> SKTexture! |
To | func textureFromNode(_ node: SKNode, crop crop: CGRect) -> SKTexture? |
Declaration | |
From | func locationInNode(_ node: SKNode!) -> CGPoint |
To | func locationInNode(_ node: SKNode) -> CGPoint |
Declaration | |
From | func previousLocationInNode(_ node: SKNode!) -> CGPoint |
To | func previousLocationInNode(_ node: SKNode) -> CGPoint |