USDZ is a 3D file format that shows up as AR content on a website.

Posts under USDZ tag

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Accessing Children of USDZ Model in SwiftUI
Hi everyone, I'm developing a visionOS app using SwiftUI and RealityKit. I'm facing a challenge with accessing the children of a USDZ model. Scenario: I can successfully load and display a USDZ model in my RealityView. When I import the model into Reality Composer Pro, I can access and manipulate its individual parts (children) using the scene hierarchy. However, if I directly load the USDZ model from the Navigation tab in my project, I cannot seem to access the children programmatically. Question: Is there a way to access and manipulate the children of a USDZ model loaded directly from the Navigation tab in SwiftUI for visionOS? Additional Information: I've explored using Entity(named: "childName", in: realityKitContentBundle), but this only works for the main entity. I'm open to alternative approaches if directly accessing children isn't feasible. Thanks in advance for any insights or suggestions! Best, Siddharth [Edited by Moderator]
Store USDZ with SwiftData
I am trying to store usdz files with SwiftData for now. I am converting usdz to data, then storing it with SwiftData My model import Foundation import SwiftData import SwiftUI @Model class Item { var name: String @Attribute(.externalStorage) var usdz: Data? = nil var id: String init(name: String, usdz: Data? = nil) { = UUID().uuidString = name self.usdz = usdz } } My function to convert usdz to data. I am currently a local usdz just to test if it is going to work. func usdzData() -> Data? { do { guard let usdzURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "tv_retro", withExtension: "usdz") else { fatalError("Unable to find USDZ file in the bundle.") } let usdzData = try Data(contentsOf: usdzURL) return usdzData } catch { print("Error loading USDZ file: \(error)") } return nil } Loading the items @Query private var items: [Item] ... var body: some View { ... ForEach(items) { item in HStack { Model3D(?????) { model in model .resizable() .scaledToFit() } placeholder: { ProgressView() } } } ... } How can I load the Model3D? I have tried: Model3D(data: item.usdz) Gives me the errors: Cannot convert value of type '[Item]' to expected argument type 'Binding<C>' Generic parameter 'C' could not be inferred Both errors are giving in the ForEach. I am able to print the content inside item: ForEach(items) { item in HStack { Text("\(") Text("\(item.usdz)") } } This above works fine for me. The item.usdz prints something like Optional(10954341 bytes) I would like to know 2 things: Is this the correct way to save usdz files into SwiftData? Or should I use FileManager? If so, how should I do that? Also how can I get the usdz from the storage (SwiftData) to my code and use it into Model3D?
USD/Z schemas and Declarations
How is it possible to add a schema for ar to a usd file using the python tools (or any other way). Following the instructions in: The steps are to have the following declaration: class Preliminary_Behavior "Preliminary_Behavior" ( inherits = </Typed> ) and a usd file #usda 1.0 def Preliminary_Behavior "TapAndFlip" { rel triggers = [ <Tap> ] rel actions = [ <Entry> ] def Preliminary_Trigger "Tap" ( inherits = </TapGestureTrigger> ) { rel affectedObjects = [ </Cube> ] } def Preliminary_Action "Entry" ( inherits = </GroupAction> ) { uniform token type = "parallel" rel actions = [ <Flip> ] } def Preliminary_Action "Flip" ( inherits = </EmphasizeAction> ) { rel affectedObjects = [ </Cube> ] uniform token motionType = "flip" } } def Cube "Cube" { } How do these parts fit together? I saved the usda file, but it didn't have any interactions. Obviously, I have to add that declaration, but how do I do this? is this all in an AR Xcode project? Or can I do this with python tools (I would prefer something very lightweight).
Actions with USDZ files
Hi all, I am generating some USDZ files that will be used in quicklook and be accessible with the Vision Pro. I was wondering are there any examples with USDZ files with actions? like the ability to change a state of assesses by tapping on them? I know this works with .reality files, but I would like to use Python to create some automatically generated USDZ files that allow some interaction. I'm currently stuck! So an example of the capabilities would be great - or pointing to some code that has done this in python. Thanks!
Applying post-processing to SceneKit's Scene and saving it to a USDZ file
I am fairly new to 3D model rendering and do not know where to start. I am trying to, ideally with ARKit & RealityKit or SceneKit, do a scan of an environment. This includes: Applying realistic textures to the model. Being able to save it as a .usdz file (to be able to open it within the App itself) Once it is save do post-processing measurements within the model. I would prefer to accomplish this feature by using a mesh, instead of the pointCloud that is used in the sample project of apple. Would this be doable using Apple's APIs and on a mobile device or would it be necessary to use a third party program? I have managed to create a USDZ file using SceneKit's .scene.write(to:,delegate:) method. However the saved file is a "single object" and it is not possible to use raycasting to do post-processing measurements in the model.
Create RealityKit entity that simulates circular progress bar
I wanted to show a progress of a certain part of the game using an entity that looks like a "pie chart", basically cylinder with a cut-out. And as progress is changed (0-100) the entity would be fuller. Is there a way to create this kind of model entity? I know there are ways to animated entities, warp them between meshes, but I was wondering if somebody knows how to achieve it in a simplest way possible? Maybe some kind of custom shader that would just change how the material is rendered? I do not need its physics body, just to show it. I know how to do it in UIKit and classic 2d UI Apple frameworks but here working with model entities it gets a bit tricky for me. Here is example of how it would look, examples are in 2d but you can imagine it being 3d cylinders with a cut-out. Thank you!
Apr ’24
Unable to rotate RealityView model via DragGesture
I am trying to implement a way to rotate a 3D model around its y axis, but this doesn't seem to work. What am I missing? The scene only contains one model entity. @State private var rotateBy:Double = 0.0 RealityView { content in do { let entity = try await Entity.init(named: "VinylScene", in: realityKitContentBundle) entity.scale = SIMD3<Float>(repeating: 0.6) content.add(entity) } catch { ProgressView() } } .gesture( DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0.0) .targetedToAnyEntity() .onChanged { value in let location3d = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: .scene) let startLocation = value.convert(value.startLocation3D, from: .local, to: .scene) let delta = location3d - startLocation rotateBy = Double(atan(delta.x * 200)) } )
Apr ’24
Changing the texture of a RealityView
Hello. I have a model of a CD record and box, and I would like to change the artwork of it via an external image URL. My 3D knowledge is limited, but what I can say is that the RealityView contains the USDZ of the record, which in turn contains multiple materials: ArtBack, ArtFront, PlasticBox, CD. How do I target an artwork material and change it to another image? Here is the code so far. RealityView { content in do { let entity = try await Entity.init(named: "VinylScene", in: realityKitContentBundle) entity.scale = SIMD3<Float>(repeating: 0.6) content.add(entity) } catch { ProgressView() } }
Adding 2D PNG to Reality Composer Pro
I've got a couple 2D PNG assets that I want to add to a scene made of a couple other udsz files in RCP (picture adding a couple 2D videogame characters to a simple 3D diorama). When I try to drag the PNGs to the workspace or the file tree…nothing happens. I found a walkthrough on Medium (called "Importing and Exporting Personalized Objects for Augmented Reality: Reality Composer and SwiftUI" for those curious as I can't link to Medium posts here) that makes it look like users could do this with simple drag-and-drop. The Medium post is from June 2023, and in the screenshots RCP visually looks a lot more like Reality Composer on iPad, so I'm assuming it's changed a lot since then? Is there still a way to do this? I've tried adding the 2D elements to a scene with Blenders "import images as planes," but I'm getting weird halos around them and was hoping RCP could make the process a bit easier/cleaner.
Mar ’24
The grey hue over the 3D model
Hello, I've been trying to render these models in a VisionOS app using RealityKit's Model3D API. The heart seem to appear dark all the time. Any thoughts on why this would happen? Color.clear .overlay { Model3D(named: modelName, bundle: realityKitContentBundle) { model in model.resizable() .scaledToFit() .rotation3DEffect( Rotation3D( eulerAngles: .init(angles: orientation, order: .xyz) ) ) .frame(depth: modelDepth) .offset(z: -modelDepth / 2) .accessibilitySortPriority(1) } placeholder: { ProgressView() .offset(z: -modelDepth * 0.75) } } .dragRotation(yawLimit: .degrees(120), pitchLimit: .degrees(20)) .offset(z: modelDepth)
Mar ’24
How to Make Xcode Recognize Morph Targets in a DAE File Imported from Blender? I'm working on a project in Xcode where I need to use a 3D model with multiple morph targets (shape keys in Blender) for animations. The model, specifically the Wolf3D_He
I'm working on a project in Xcode where I need to use a 3D model with multiple morph targets (shape keys in Blender) for animations. The model, specifically the Wolf3D_Head node, contains dozens of morph targets which are crucial for my project. Here's what I've done so far: I verified the morph targets in Blender (I can see all the morph targets correctly when opening both the original .glb file and the converted .dae file in Blender). Given that Xcode does not support .glb file format directly, I converted the model to .dae format, aiming to use it in my Xcode project. After importing the .dae file into Xcode, I noticed that Xcode does not show any morph targets for the Wolf3D_Head node or any other node in the model. I've already attempted using tools like ColladaMorphAdjuster and another version by JakeHoldom to adjust the .dae file, hoping Xcode would recognize the morph targets, but it didn't resolve the issue. My question is: How can I make Xcode recognize and display the morph targets present in the .dae file exported from Blender? Is there a specific process or tool that I need to use to ensure Xcode properly imports all the morph target information from a .dae file? Tools tried:, Thanks in advance!
USDZ file not working
I'm working on a project wherein RealityKit for iOS will be used to display 3D files (USDZ) in a real-world environment. The model will also need to animate differently depending on which button is pressed. When using models that are downloaded from various websites or via Apple QuickLook, the code functions well. I can hold the animation in place and click a button to play it. Unfortunately, although the model (through blender) my team provided is animating in SceneKit, it does not play at all when left in the real world, not even when a button is pressed. I checked RealityKit USDZ tool, and found usdz file is not valid, they are not figure out whats wrong. Could you please help me figure out what's wrong with my USDZ file? Working USDZ: My file:
Feb ’24
Is it possible to change usdz objects inside a scene programmatically?
Let's say I've created a scene with 3 models inside side by side. Now upon user interaction, I'd like to change these models to another model (that is also in the same reality composer pro project). Is that possible? How can one do that? One way I can think of is to just load all the individual models in RealityView and then just toggle the opacity to show/hide the models. But this doesn't seem like the right way for performance/memory reasons. How do you swap in and out usdz models?
Feb ’24
Show USDZ file in RealityView
I captured my office using 3D Scanner and get a USDZ file. The file contains a 3-D Model and a Physically based material. I can view the file correctly with texture on Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. But when using RealityView to present the model in immersive space. I got the model in whole black. My guess is my Material doesn't have a shader graph? Does anyone caught into similar issue? How to solve it?
Jan ’24
RealityKit and Reality Composer Pro: Custom Shader Material
Hello! I have a few questions about using RealityKit on iPadOS and Mac Catalyst. I currently have a model in Cinema 4D that has no materials added to it. I need to add a couple of simple materials to everything. My goal is to move my model from Cinema 4D to my RealityKit app. The model can load fine in the app. However, I'm having issues with the materials. First, when I export from Cinema 4D as a USD, the materials don't seem to come with it. I thought materials came with the model. I just get a pink striped model (no materials), which is not ideal. So, that crossed out making materials in Cinema 4D for me. Here's a test model with materials added: Here's what it looks like when exported as a USDA in Reality Composer Pro. It looks the same when exported as a USDZ: I checked materials when exporting from Cinema 4D, so I don't know what I am doing wrong. So, I thought of another idea instead of making materials in Cinema 4D. What if I used Apple's new Reality Composer Pro app to add materials to my model? You can add physically based materials or even custom shader materials with nodes. I thought that would work, and it does. When I export the model as a USDZ with physically based materials, they appear fine and work in my app. However, what about custom shader materials? Whenever I play with a custom shader material and apply it to my model, I am left with problems. Look at this image. This is my model in Reality Composer Pro with two types of materials added from the app. The water and sand on the beach are created with physically based materials in the app. No nodes. The gold/metal ball is created with a custom shader material with nodes. Looks fine, right? When I drag an exported USDZ of this into my Xcode project, it even looks good in the Xcode preview of the file under Resources. (Note I am not adding the USDZ as an . rkassets as Apple suggests as .rkassets folders are only available for visionOS. This is an iPadOS + Catalyst app.) However, when I run the actual app, only the physically based materials actually display correctly: Besides the lighting in the scene, the physically based materials look good. However, the metal ball that used a custom shader material? It looks gray. Why? How can I fix this? I guarantee this is not a problem with my app or its lighting setup etc. I tried loading a custom shader material in a visionOS simulator and it worked! But, not for this. I know Reality Composer Pro seems to be very focused on visionOS right now, but this is still just a USDZ file. Why aren't these custom shaders working? I've been working on this problem for at least 24+ hours, so I've tried as much as I could imagine. I thought Reality Composer Pro would be good to do textures in as it would be less error prone when moving the model over to Xcode, compared to moving materials from Cinema 4D to Xcode, and I kind of proved that with my second photo. For RealityKit on iPadOS + Catalyst, how should I be applying materials? What am I doing wrong? P.S. Yes, this is a nonAR project with a virtual camera, which is possible for RealityKit. Thanks for the help! :)
Jan ’24