Manage app information

Manage iCloud display sets

To use an iCloud display set, configure the display set in App Store Connect, identify the apps that use it, and reference the display set in each app’s Information property list (Info.plist) in the Xcode project.

For each iCloud display set, provide the following:



Reference Name

An internal name. It must be at least two characters and can be up to 255 bytes. It’s displayed in App Store Connect only.

Display Set ID

A unique identifier used to associate your app with the display set. Use the same ID in your app’s Information property file, NSUbiquitousContainerName key. This string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) and can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods. The string should also be in reverse-DNS format and can’t end in .test.

Display Set Name

The label that displays to users when they configure iCloud settings for your apps. Localize this label for each of the languages your apps support.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, or App Manager. View role permissions.

Create an iCloud display set

  1. Sign into App Store Connect. Select Apps.

  2. From Apps, select Manage iCloud Display Sets from the ellipsis menu (...) in the top left.

    Manage iCloud Display Sets is selected in the ellipsis menu.

    Any existing display sets are listed in the Manage Your iCloud Display Sets dialog that appears.

  3. In the upper-left corner, click Create New.

  4. Enter a reference name and display set ID.

    Create New iCloud Display Set page.
  5. Click Add Language, then in the Add Language dialog, choose a primary language for your apps from the Language menu.

  6. In the Display Name field, enter the display set label that’s presented to users when they configure iCloud settings for your apps.

    The display name must be at least two characters and can be up to 75 bytes.

  7. Click Save in the dialog.

  8. To add more languages that your apps support, repeat steps 5 through 7.

  9. Click Save in the bottom-right corner of the Create New iCloud Display Set page.

Edit an iCloud display set

  1. Sign into App Store Connect. Select Apps.

  2. From Apps, select Manage iCloud Display Sets from the ellipsis menu (...) in the top left.

    The Manage Your iCloud Display Sets page appears listing your display sets.

  3. Click the row for the display set you want to edit.

  4. Do any of the following:

    • Change the reference name: Click Edit next to the name and enter a new name.

    • Add a language: Click Add Language. Follow the same steps in Create an iCloud display set to add more languages.

    • Delete a language: In the row for the language, click Delete.

    • Edit a language: In the language table, click the display name of the language.

    Below the detail area, you can view the attached apps but you can’t edit them (attached apps are configured in the Xcode project.)

  5. Click Done.

Delete an iCloud display set

You can delete only iCloud display sets that have no attached apps.

  1. Sign into App Store Connect. Select Apps.

  2. From Apps, select Manage iCloud Display Sets from the ellipsis menu (...) in the top left.

  3. In the row for the display set, click Delete.