App Clips

An App Clip is a lightweight version of your app that lets people perform everyday tasks quickly, without downloading and installing your app.

People discover and launch App Clips in a variety of situations and contexts. At a physical location, people launch an App Clip by scanning an App Clip Code, NFC tag, or a QR code. However, an App Clip Code is the best way for people to discover and launch your App Clip. Its distinct design is immediately recognizable, and people trust it to offer a fast, secure way to launch your App Clip.

On their device, people launch an App Clip from location-based suggestions from Siri Suggestions, the Maps app, Smart App Banners on websites, App Clip cards in Safari, and by tapping links others share with them in the Messages app.

A screenshot of iPhone’s Home screen. The bottom half of the screen shows the App Clip card for a coffee shop’s App Clip as it appears when the user invokes the App Clip.
A screenshot of a coffee shop’s App Clip on iPhone as it appears when the user confirms the App Clip’s launch on the App Clip card. The App Clip displays a grid with various drinks the user can order.

Consider creating an App Clip if your app provides an in-the-moment experience that helps people perform a task over a finite amount of time. For example:

  • A rental bike could come with an App Clip Code that people tap or scan to launch an App Clip that lets them rent the bike.
  • A coffee shop could offer an App Clip for fast advance orders that customers launch from a Smart App Banner or an App Clip card on the shop’s website. Customers could share a link to the website from the Messages app, which recipients then tap to launch the App Clip from within Messages.
  • A food truck could create marketing material (for example, a poster to promote a seasonal dish) that includes an App Clip Code. People can scan the App Clip Code with the Camera app on their device and instantly launch the App Clip to order the seasonal dish.
  • A restaurant could let diners pay for a meal by launching an App Clip from the Maps app or a suggestion from Siri Suggestions, or by holding their device close to an App Clip Code or NFC tag at their table.
  • A museum could have visitors scan App Clip Codes or QR codes on labels next to displayed works to launch an App Clip that reveals augmented reality content or provides audio commentary.

An App Clip is a great way to share some of your app’s features with people who haven’t installed the app. For developer guidance, see App Clips.

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